Secrets to a Great Night’s Sleep

Secrets to a Great Night’s Sleep Many, many people can’t sleep through the night. Some people wake up at 3am and can’t fall back to sleep for hours, some people wake up super early like 5am and once they are up, that’s it!  Still others need 1-2 hours just to fall asleep initially and some wake up feeling like they haven’t slept at all, even if it’s been 10 hours! Furthermore, so many think waking up for an hour in the middle of the night is normal?  Some need the TV on all night other wise they can’t sleep at all.  So, what’s got us so twisted up and restless during what should be the easiest and sweetest part of our lives? The rule of thumb from a Chinese medicine point of view is that adults need 8 hours of sleep.  Obviously babies and teens need more and most seniors seem to get less, but as an average adult, we need 8 hours.  Some people boast that they only need 4 or 5 hours and they feel great, we think it’s possible that they just forgot what ‘great ‘actually feels like. Sleep is a time where our body relaxes, our muscles recover, we heal, we are reborn every single night.  For our health, it’s one of the most important things we do! What Are the Benefits of Getting a Good Night’s Sleep? The benefits of a good night sleep are endless, but here’s the top seven! Boosts your immune system Regulates metabolism Balances emotional wellness Decreases inflammation Reduces the risk of disease Memory and learning Increase of collagen for skin moisture and elasticity What Are Some Tips for a Better Sleep? Here’s 6 areas that could need a little tweaking so you can get that good night’s sleep, every night! Stick to the schedule I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but a bedtime routine is essential. Staying with the same bedtime; give or take 30 min, does wonders for your circadian rhythm.  Your circadian rhythm is a  pattern throughout the day and night and is measured by cortisol.  Cortisol is naturally high in the morning and lowest at night.  For people with crazy schedules, like working graveyard one week and then swing the next, then days- and yes, I know people with this schedule!  Cortisol is usually all over the place, but luckily most of us have more predictability!  With a predictable rhythm and pattern in place, the brain gets the signal and responds by releasing those lovely and very effective hormones to help us drift off easier. Tip: If you are curious what your circadian rhythm looks like, we can assess your cortisol through saliva testing, and out of those results, choose some herbal remedies and supplements that can help support the rise and fall of Cortisol at the desired time.  Please note, Western MDs do measure Cortisol as well but with a blood test, unfortunately this does not give us enough info about the rhythm, since saliva testing is done at four intervals throughout the day, it’s the best choice. Not Too Hungry , Not Too Thirsty! We all know we shouldn’t drink too much water before bed since that only leads to getting up in the middle of the night to urinate. But we also don’t want to be too hungry or too full. If we are hungry, the brain has a hard time settling.  Too full and the liver works overtime during the night, waking us up.  And as for caffeine and alcohol, beware!  Caffeine actually sticks around up to 10 hours after you’ve consumed it, so if you are having a 3pm pick-me-up that might be the culprit to keeping you up until 1am. (Read more about the bigger picture on caffeine Here)  As for alcohol, the initial effects might make you sleepy, but afterwards many patients report waking up between 1am-3am.  Makes total sense to us, that is the block of time when the liver organ is working its hardest processing toxins and the day’s stress (each organ in the body gets its own 2 hour window).  In addition, women who are approaching menopause reported that alcohol always made sleep horrible and night sweats outrageous. So, beware! Tip: Eat a spoonful of a nut butter before bed, drink a glass of Natural Calm or eat a little bit of a raw potato!  Yes, patients have said all these work, some better than others depending on the person. Go caffeine and alcohol free for a month and see what happens! Your Environment Matters! I think we know all the things; blackout shades, eye mask, ear plugs, a mattress that is less than 10 years old, the perfect pillows dependent on if you are a back or a side sleeper and lastly, turn off those screens!  All of those are so true and we think the biggie are those screens, including TVs. Screens are noise, distraction and entertainment and it keeps the eyes full and the mind busy. But the biggest reason, blue light powerfully suppresses melatonin which is necessary for sleep.  Here’s a short article from Harvard talking about the Dark Side Of Blue Light. They recommend getting off screens for 2-3 hours before bedtime, but let’s be honest, even I love to scroll through Instagram before bed, so I try to get off about an hour before.  As for TV, not only does it emit blue light but if you’ve fallen asleep, chances are there is audio playing for hours and possibly all night.  It’s just not conducive to sweet dreams or deep sleep. Tip: Not only turn off those screens an hour before bed, but put your phone on airplane mode as well.  Most of us have our phones charging on the night table next to us or in the bed, did you know that your phone looks for a cell phone tower to connect to every 30 minutes?  And if you’re on WIFI, the Electromagnetic Rays (EMR) are equivalent to standing

Fixing Foot Pain and Plantar Fasciitis

Fixing Foot Pain and Plantar Fasciitis I woke up with an odd feeling in my foot about a week ago, like it was crunched and crooked.  The next day, it hurt lots and specifically in the arch.  One day later, worse and it hit me.  I have Plantar Fasciitis!  I’ve treated PF in the clinic with some success and other times, it’s been quite stubborn, possibly due to the fact it’s a weight bearing joint, it’s a rascal for sure.  But I personally have never had this and I had no clue where it came from.  Just BAM out of nowhere! Now, I know well enough that nothing comes out of nowhere, I’ve been saying that to patients and clients for decades.  So I started to think– did my body give me any warning signals? Aha moment!  My achilles tendons have been killing me when I get out of bed for the last few months.  Once I’m walking a bit they loosen up but it’s been almost every morning.  I guess I chalked it up to old age. Oh and wait a minute, every single time I’ve seen the chiropractor this year, he says my calves are so super tight!  He presses on them deep enough to make me wince and we move on.  You know, I walk a lot.  If I’m on Long Island, I always hit 10,000 steps a day, but if I’m in the city which I am maybe 3-4 days a week, I can hit as high as 17,000 steps in a day!  I am neglecting to stretch and another thing, when I’m in the city, I don’t drink enough water because who wants to constantly be looking for a bathroom, right?  I have tight calves naturally, so with all the above, they started pulling on my achilles tendon and that set off the fascia in my foot.  It’s like the whole system from knee to toe just seized up and tightened.  Just a few clues and it’s obvious to me now how it all got tangled up! I called my chiropractor immediately, researched a ton online, of course, and started my course of treatment without NSAIDS!  Why without NSAIDS?  Because I didn’t want to ‘feel better’ and start walking on it normally if it wasn’t time yet.  I didn’t want to set myself back and I wanted to know my true progress. How to Treat a Plantar Fasciitis Flare Up? ICE Let’s be honest, Chinese medicine practitioners do not like ice, we go for heat when we can to speed up the circulation in the area so healing can occur.  I checked in with my body and my intuition said ice would help, so ice it was!  I got one inexpensive, small water bottle like Poland Springs and froze it.  Once frozen, I put my foot directly on it’s side, like I was attempting to stand on it, going as deeply and slowly as I could.  It was tough, but it also felt good.  Breathe… STRETCH The foam roller has become my best friend in recent years. For this one lay on your abdomen, have a friend or anyone willing take the roller and roll out your calves, up and down and from side to side and tell them to not be nice about it.  Again, breathe… I also watched a ton of YouTube videos, I like this guy the best.  Stretches for getting out of flare up and for long term prevention. APPLE CIDER VINEGAR AND ONIONS In the morning, 1 cup of ACV with 6 cups of hot water in a small bin or something similar and submerge, leave them there for 30 minutes.  The medicinal properties of ACV treat inflammation and reduce pain and I believe it helped immensely.  As for the onions, urban legend said to sleep with them in your sock, I did!  I didn’t care, I was ready to do anything.  Let’s just say the jury is still out on that one. EPSOM SALT In the evening, either for just a foot soak or a full body bath, mix epsom salt with water and soak for at least 20 minutes.  For a whole bath, I might use 2 cups of Epsom Salt, for just a foot soak, only a few tablespoons.  Epsom brings down inflammation and is technically magnesium sulfate, magnesium is good for relaxing muscles, which is why I recommend doing it at night before bed. GET ACUPUNCTURE Yes, acupuncture can treat PF too.  It can be a long road as I mentioned, you need to attack it from all different sides and acupuncture is a wonderful addition.  I would recommended finding an acupuncturist that will not/does not put needles into the actual pain or foot.  Call around and ask for practitioners that use Dr. Tan’s Balance Method, we never put needles where the pain is and trust the meridian system.  For pain from PF, needles would usually be administered in the hand. WEAR SOMETHING ON YOUR FEET I felt I needed something to support my feet, but all my shoes had great arch support so it made the pain worse!  Then I realized I had a pair of Crocs, they worked out well, support without pushing on the pain.  Which makes me realize Crocs aren’t great for support at all and probably shouldn’t be worn if you are trying to prevent PF. STAY OFF YOUR FEET As hard as it is, I had to stay off my feet to give my body time to heal.  Think of it as a staycation and catch up on Netflix. Within a few days, I was feeling much, much better and within a week, back to normal.  But now I have to watch it, because I do think once the light switch gets turn on for just about anything, it is now a bit of weak spot in the system, so prevention is always key. How do I Prevent Plantar Fasciitis? Stretch, stretch, stretch! As we get older, our bodies

What is the deal with Nightshades?

What is the deal with Nightshades? When I hear the word nightshade, I immediately think of poisonous plants used by evil witches in fairy tales from long ago!  Belladonna, of course, comes to mind mostly, not to be confused with the incredible album, “Belladonna”, released by the good witch, Stevie Nicks, in 1981. Anyway, nightshades aren’t exactly poisonous but can be harmful to some.  They encompass a whole entire family of flowering plants and you probably eat some daily. Some of the most popular being tomatoes, potatoes and peppers. Why are nightshades ‘bad’ for you? Nightshades contain several chemical compounds that can have negative effects. The worse ones are glycoalkaloids, capsaicin, calcitriol, nicotine, and saponins.  These compounds are part of an amazing self defense system protecting the plant from predators, unfortunately they can also have a negative response in our bodies resulting in inflammation and other problems. For example glycoalkaloids, have been shown to cause leaky gut and overall inflammation in the gastrointestinal system.  They also block valuable enzymes resulting in overstimulation of the nervous system causing anxiety.  One 2005 study showed that it took 24 hours for this compound to be eliminated from the body, so if you’re eating nightshades daily, there’s a possibility of toxic overload.  Capsaicin has been linked to respiratory issues and because some measure quite high in the Scoville scale, they can irritate bodily tissues and the stomach lining.  Calcitriol, when consumed in high amounts, can result in calcium deposits in soft tissue, heart and kidney.  Saponins has been shown to interfere with the cellular membrane, actually creating holes in the membrane which diminishes cellular function.  Lastly, all nightshades contain nicotine, which can make some foods potentially addictive. Also nicotine has been known to interfere with healing of wounds. All the medical jargon and studies aside, when we discuss elimination diets overall, it’s true, the heavy hitters are gluten, dairy, corn and eggs.  Nightshades tend to be less of a problem, but if you are experiencing inflammation or digestive issues, it’s worth looking into. The best way to find out is by avoiding all nightshades for at least 3 weeks then eating them twice a day for 2 days and assessing, how do you feel?  At Tao to Wellness, we offer a total detox and elimination diet program and include nightshades on that list, you can do the program anytime, but every Spring, we lead a group together and it’s super fun! Here is a complete list of nightshades Ashwagandha BBQ sauce Capsicums Cayenne pepper Chili Pepper Flakes Chili powder Chinese Five-Spice Powder Curry Powder Curry spice powder Eggplants Goji berries (also known as Wolfberries and found in Chinese herbal formulas) Gooseberries Hot Sauce Ketchup Paprika spice Peppers (including bell peppers, sweet peppers, chili peppers, jalapeños) Pimentos Potatoes (does not include sweet potatoes or yams) Red Pepper Red Pepper Flakes Sorrel Steak Seasoning Tomatillos Tomatoes Let’s end this on a good note, SWEET POTATOES and BLACK PEPPER are not nightshades, so continue to enjoy! If you are interested in joining us for the next detox and elimination diet in the Spring, check out our Detox page for more details or reach out to Christina at

The Caffeine Conundrum

The Caffeine Conundrum There you are: you wake up in the morning, maybe a bit groggy from the night’s slumber (yawn); where’s that coffee?!  Or maybe it’s 3pm and you have two or three more hours of work – EEEEK!   How will you get through?  Afternoon tea, chocolate, energy drink or more coffee?  Anything that possesses that magical chemical called CAFFEINE!  Worldwide, we reach for caffeine to help alter our sleep/wake cycle, but how does it do that and is that the best idea in the long term?  Is there another option? A lot of my patients say, “but I only have one small cup in the morning”.  Some admit, “I cannot function without coffee and I drink 5 cups a day…” then add “but it doesn’t effect me”.  Still others say, “It’s the ritual and the taste that I love!” Everyone has totally valid reasons to love caffeine.  It tastes good, it’s a ritual, it’s a necessity, right?  So, let’s break it down; what’s actually happening when you drink or eat caffeine? The Effects of Caffeine on the Body Adenosine Let’s talk about Adenosine first.  Adenosine is the by-product of cellular processes, and this molecule conducts the sleep/wake cycle; and caffeine looks just like it structurally.  After you drink or eat caffeine, it gets absorbed by the small intestine and dissolved into the bloodstream.  And since caffeine is both water and fat soluble, that means it can penetrate the BBB (blood brain barrier) and enter the brain. While it’s in the brain, it neatly fits into the brain cells’ receptors that are available for adenosine (remember because they look alike), essentially blocking them, which creates a sense of alertness and energy for a few hours – maybe up to four!  So regardless of your natural circadian rhythm, you ‘wake up’ from the caffeine.  In addition to that, two other things start happening. The pleasure center in the brain gets pinged and dopamine gets released, which makes us alert, focused, motivated and happy.  And secondly, since we have all this extra adenosine floating around the brain, that signals your adrenal glands to secrete adrenaline, which is yet another stimulant.  It’s a triple threat!    Scientists say that caffeine isn’t just a stimulant on it’s own; “a stimulant enabler, it’s a substance that lets our natural stimulants run wild”, says Stephen R. Braun, the author of Buzzed: the Science and Lore of Caffeine and Alcohol.   Dopamine Basically, dopamine is released when your brain is expecting a reward or has what it perceives to be a reward. When dopamine is released we feel awake, focused and happy. Yes, caffeine or even alcohol can be a reward, but only because we have trained our brain to believe that is the truth; remember, I said “what it perceives to be a reward”. To understand the dopamine release better, let’s talk about Skinner’s Box. Back in the 1950s, a scientist named Skinner put electrodes in the feeling centers of rats’ brains and sent a little shock to the area when a rat entered a particular corner of the box; the theory was if the shock was painful enough, the rat would stay out of that corner: enough shocks and the rat’s brain would hardwire the corner as adverse. Yet when the electrode was placed in the nucleus accumbens, which is a dopamine pathway, the rats did just the opposite; hungry for more and more dopamine release, they returned to the corner again and again, up to 700 times per hour! They even chose the stimulation over food.  So the thing to consider is: are we like Skinner’s rats – have we hard wired our brains to think caffeine is all that, or can we get a dopamine hit from somewhere healthier?  Another interesting thing to know is that dopamine doesn’t just get released when that ‘thing’ pings that area of the brain, but that dopamine starts getting released when we are merely thinking or anticipating the reward.  Meaning as soon as we start to think about having the coffee, the happy hour cocktail or smell fresh bread while walking past the bakery, our brains are already releasing dopamine; essentially tricking us, because when we get it, we are even more excited and think this is the thing that makes me happy!  Which of course is not the truth.  Dopamine or the dopamine reward system isn’t the problem; the problem is how we stimulate the dopamine pathway.  The things that stimulate the pathway can run the gamut; caffeine, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, falling in love, sex, Netflix, pornographic videos, shopping, gambling, yoga, meditation, healthy eating, etc.  Some of these things can be viewed as ‘positive’ and others ‘negative’ if you will, but really anything in excess can be harmful. So if we can make anything light up our dopamine pathway, so why not choose the good stuff?   But is Caffeine Really That Harmful?  The obvious risk is because caffeine is habit forming.  Over time, the brain’s chemistry and physical characteristics actually change and you are no longer accessing your body’s natural energy resources.  The most notable change is that brain cells actually grow more adenosine receptors.  It’s the brain’s masterful way to maintain equilibrium in the constant onslaught of caffeine.  It explains why regular coffee drinkers build a tolerance over time; since it takes more caffeine to keep up with the body making more adenosine receptors, it takes more caffeine to reach the desired effect.   Maybe it’s not so much of the what the harm is, as much as it is – what we are giving up by being a slave to caffeine?  What Are the Symptoms of Caffeine Withdrawal? When patients decide to quit caffeine for good or temporarily, the sudden giving up of caffeine can trigger a whole slew of symptoms. The most common symptoms are fatigue and headaches, which make complete sense.  Basically, your brain is used to operating in one set of conditions that depend on caffeine and now that’s gone.  So, there is

Using Acupuncture to Treat Migraines

Using Acupuncture to Treat Migraines What is the Main Reason for Migraines? Research studies show that acupuncture is wildly successful in the treatment of migraines.  A recent systematic review of 22 clinical studies with 4985 participants showed that acupuncture reduced migraines by 50% in 69% of the individuals and that effect lasted more than 6 months. That is incredibly encouraging since Western medicine unfortunately has very few tools to treat the common migraine. In Western medicine thinking, migraines are triggered from a number of factors, stress being one of them.  The triggers tend to be more difficult to manage for people with irregular serotonin levels. The trigger causes a wave of electrical activity through the brain, the serotonin level surges as well in a similar wave fashion, the result is a decrease in serotonin that causes blood vessels to be irritated resulting pain. From a Chinese medicine lens, the patient feels stress in the body, the energy of the body gets disrupted and creates an imbalance in the flow, that energy then run through the meridians in a reckless way causing pressure which obviously results in pain.  The organ systems involved with migraines is usually the Liver and Gall Bladder, there are other scenarios but this is the most common.  The Liver is the organ that deals with metabolizing stress so to speak, when there is overwhelm, the Liver gets sort of backed up and it’s overflow the Gall Bladder takes over.  The Gall Bladder meridian is where most migraines take place, on one side of the head, around the temple and ear. What is the Best Natural Treatment for Migraines? Avoiding Certain Foods Migraines have so many triggers, alcohol being a big one, in addition to that things like nitrates in food, cheese (because of tyramine), processed foods, cold foods and MSG.  Did you know that citric acid can also be an issue because of when it is processed the remaining protein results in processed free glutamic acid, which is MSG.  So read your labels, it almost seems like citric acid is in everything these days. Grab Some Feverfew Although we don’t specialize in American herbalism here at Tao to Wellness, there are a few key American herbs like Feverfew that we recommend.  Feverfew looks a little like a daisy and is a folk remedy for treatment migraines. The Magic of Magnesium Magnesium is exactly that, magic!  It’s a necessary factor in around 300 different systems in the body and so many of us are deficient.  We love magnesium for deeper sleep, leg cramps, constipation and of course migraines, menstrual migraines really responds to magnesium and it can also help with menstrual cramps as well. Meditation is the Way Meditation is a remedy for just about any illness, discomfort or disease.  Relaxing the mind, enhancing the amygdala, relaxing the muscles from head to toe.  Meditation is no longer for soul seekers or Buddhists it’s really for everyone. Acupuncture in the Treatment of Migraines Our favorite way to treat migraines when they are full force or better yet, our favorite way to prevent them is with acupuncture and here’s why.  Western medicine treatments offered are only a temporary band aid to mask the pain, OTC NSAIDs initially and when that doesn’t work prescription pills, beta blockers and sometimes antidepressants.  The world of Chinese medicine has much more to offer, acupuncture being the number one modality but number two being Chinese herbal medicine.  Another thing to remember is that we are not only treating the problem, we are treating the entire body, rebalancing it and preventing future migraines.  This is really key, because when a patients stops taking the Western medications listed above, the symptoms will return, nothing has necessarily been healed.  With Chinese medicine, we are healing the body.  A great metaphor is when a tree has a sick or diseased branch you can prune it back, but you also need to treat the roots of that tree so that the tree will grow beautifully.  We think of the body like that, the migraine representing the branch and the roots representing the whole body.  One needs to treat both the root and branch.

The Annual Tao to Wellness Spring Cleanse and Detox Starts Soon!

The Annual Tao to Wellness Spring Cleanse and Detox Starts Soon! Welcome back friends! As the ground begins to thaw and we witness new life springing into action, our bodies note that its time relinquish the stagnancy of winter and finally step into the sun, fresh and anew.  Come join us for our annual Spring cleanse and detox program May 27th – June 9th.  If you’ve never done a detox before, this is the one to do because we support you every step of the way with 24/7 email support, 3 Group Zoom calls (one before, during and on our last day) and a What’s App community thread.  If you’ve detoxed with us before, you might recall we used Facebook as our main platform in the past, last year’s second cycle had so much fun on Zoom and What’s App, we decided to switch everything over!  Both are a great addition to an already great program! Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming cleanse and detox: What is it: The Tao to Wellness Spring Cleanse and Detox program is a blended approach combining healthy eating and supplementation for detoxification. The base is an elimination diet, in other words getting rid of all the food (aka garbage) that may or may not be an allergen causing inflammation and imbalance in your body, once we get the environment ‘quiet’, the body can do the work it needs to release toxins and reset to it’s natural, optimal state. Keep in mind, we eat plenty! We are merely staying clear of certain foods and people find that they discover new foods and recipes that they didn’t know they liked! Supplementation is necessary to support you, we’ve found that by keeping your blood sugar and brain chemistry stable during the process, the elimination diet becomes much easier. And when the body is more balanced, expelling toxins can be plentiful, without supplementation it is very difficult for the body to “let go” when nutrients are lacking at the cellular level. So the supplements provide the nutritional compounds that support the body’s ability to neutralize and expel toxins easily. Why: For a wealth of reasons, but simply we get toxins from almost everything: the foods we eat, the things we drink, the environment we live in, medications, our beauty products, plastic food containers, everything, there’s even emotional toxicity!  Over time as the toxins build up, the liver becomes stressed and “full” causing symptoms such as, but not limited to, allergies, headaches, nausea, irritability, foggy thinking, muscle pain, skin issues, digestion issues, sleepless nights and fatigue. For women, toxic build up can contribute to many gynecological issues, including infertility. In addition, when toxins and free radicals weigh the body down over time, damage happens on a cellular level which means it becomes a gateway to disease and aging overall. When: May 27th – June 9th, 2022 Note: In Chinese medicine, Spring is a time of a renewal and growth. Spring is also the season of the Liver and Gallbladder which makes it an optimal time to do a cleanse. Where: Anywhere in the US! Our last cycle had people from New York, New Jersey, California and Arizona. Picking up supplements is easy and happen at Tao to Wellness in Berkeley.  If you are not local, we are happy to ship everything to you, but please note there will be an additional $25 shipping charge. A Nutritional Shake: an excellent source of very high-quality vitamins and minerals providing key cofactors necessary in the detoxification process. Liver Support: an adjunct to help the Liver gently open and purge successfully. Herbs such as Milk Thistle and Dandelion Root are commonly used to protect and cleanse the liver. Antioxidant Support: a heavy hitter in the process of detoxification. Vitamin B12 Intrinsic Factor: all the Bs are helpful, but especially this specific B12 which is integral in detoxification. *This cleanse is not recommended for pregnant mothers, breastfeeding mothers, children under the age of 21 and people that are frail or weak due to a sickness or surgery. If you’re not sure if this is you, we are happy to guide you. Please get in touch! Email for guidance. Pricing: We have two options! 1. The Master 2 Week Cleanse!  Only local to Berkeley, CA All supplementation, two acupuncture treatments during the first week and second week, 24/7 email support, access to our What’s App community group and three 1 hour Zoom calls are $350.00. To get the best results, this is our recommendation! It is important to add acupuncture to this plan because: Assists with the release of purging of deeper toxic build up. Balances the emotions; especially irritability during the beginning potential withdrawal stages. Harmonizes the digestion, especially useful with these major food changes. Regulates brain chemistry, especially with those harder to avoid foods like coffee, alcohol and sugar. 2. The Basic 2 Week Cleanse Maybe you’re not close enough to receive acupuncture or maybe your insurance is already covering your acupuncture treatments… then this is the choice for you! All supplementation, 24/7 email support, access to our What’s App community group and three 1 hour Zoom calls is $200.00. If you are not local to Berkeley, we do recommend seeing an acupuncturist near you and letting them know you are on a Spring Cleanse and Detox. They’ll know what to do!  Or please let us know where you are, we may have a referral! Also, feel free to invite others!  Everything is more fun in community and this is no exception. People thrive better in a supportive environment, so invite your partner, your family and/or friends. Feeling inspired?  Are you in?  YES!  Email to confirm ASAP!  The last day to confirm with us is Monday May 9th so we have ample time for shipping and pick up!  Still not sure and have questions?  Reach out!

Give the Gift of Health this Holiday Season

Gift of health

Give the Gift of Health this Holiday Season There’s so much to be said about gift giving around the holidays, some people love it, some people not so much, and others scrap it all together!  That being said, if you are looking for the perfect gift, why not create a gift bag of self care and health!   Here’s some ideas that will definitely please almost anyone!  (NOTE: We are not affiliated with anyone below, we just like the product!) The gift of Meditation!  Face it, we all need it, so get the loved one in your life a year long subscription to a meditation app, there’s so many out there with Headspace and Calm the leader of the pack.   A Rose Quartz Eye Mask.  At first glance this seemed silly, but if you believe in the energy of crystals (like we do!) it makes perfect sense.  I think we are all feeling Zoomed out, so pick up one of these for a friend and yourself.    A Weighted Blanket.  Ahhhh, people love weighted blankets because they relieve anxiety and they help you get a more restful sleep.  Something about the weight just feels yummy and Amazon has a plethora of this at all different price points!   Ban.Do Feeling Feelings Card Deck.  This is a deck of cards to help navigate your emotions and feel your feels.  Great for anyone, but especially teens.  The prompts on the cards are great for supporting your emotional awareness and growth.   Not only that, but 50% of the proceeds go to The Loveland Foundation, an organization that supports the mental health of communities of color, especially Black women and girls.   We know the holidays can be a time of excess– excess food, excess sweets, excess alcohol.  So, how about a non-alcoholic apertif that has a pleasant infusion of herbs, Gentian to support the liver and orange peel and ginger for the digestion to name a few.  You can still party without the cost the next day!  Check Ghia out!   An essential oil sleep formula?  My friend, Valerie Bennis’ award winning company Essence of Vali has a lovely sleep formula she’s made, it comes in mist, balm and in drops.  I apply some drops on a tissue and tuck it under my pillow case or close by so I can inhale the scents all night long.  It’s truly a treat and all natural, cruelty free- only good stuff.   Speaking of essential oils, how about a diffuser?  If you are working at home, turn your office into a pleasure palace of scents — different oils can keep you calm or energize you when you are in a lull!  There are so many diffusers out there at all different price points, grab one with a pack of essential oils and have fun!   Lastly, it wouldn’t be prudent if we didn’t let you know that we offer gift cards as well.  Maybe someone in your life is just stressed out, or maybe they’ve been dealing with something for awhile, if you’ve read this far you probably love acupuncture and want to turn someone in your life onto it.  We offer gift cards at any price just email and she can get you set up!   Thanks for reading and have a wonderful holiday season!  May your month be full of sweet tranquility, a thousand laughs and memories to last a lifetime!

Happy Chinese New Year, welcome the Year of the Ox!

Berkeley Accupunture Chinese New Year Ox

Happy Chinese New Year, welcome the Year of the Ox! This is the Year of the Metal Ox!  Say goodbye to the Year of the Rat! Oxen are symbols of persistence and honesty. In Chinese culture, the Ox is a faithful friend that makes great contributions!  People born in the Year of the Ox are industrious, cautious, hold their faith firmly, and always glad to offer help.  To prove that point, the old Chinese myth goes like this-  the Jade Emperor was declaring the order of the signs based on the order of arrival of the 12 animals.  The Rat somehow talked the Ox into giving him a ride, he obliged and then right at the last minute, the Rat jumped off and ran into the palace declaring himself number one!  I guess that alone tells us a lot about the energy of the the last year as opposed to this year.  Some say it’s going to be an easier year, others say the opposite. No matter what, we always want to bring in the New Year with a clean slate!  Personally, I’ve been cleaning for days, tying up loose ends and getting things in order!  If that doesn’t appeal to you or you just don’t have time, then just have fun from today (Thursday) and throughout the weekend with family and friends, whatever that looks like for you.  Whether you are on Zoom, over the phone or in person, all those avenues can still put a smile on your face and a laugh in your belly. Now onto how to prep! By New Year’s Eve (tonight), you should have done the following: Clean the entire home to get rid of all the things that are associated with the old year. Put away all brooms and brushes. Pay debts. Resolve differences with family members, friends, neighbors and business associates. Buy oranges (good health and long life), tangerines (long relationships, fruitful and multiply for having children or persimmons (happiness and wealth). Fresh flowers, if  a flower blooms on New Year’s Day this is a sign of prosperity all year. Get together with close family members for the “reunion” dinner. Open every door and window in your home at midnight of New Year’s Eve to let go of the old year. On New Year’s Day… Do not lend any money, otherwise you’ll be lending all year. Do not use foul language or unlucky words, like the word ‘four” which is the word for death, don’t talk about death or ghosts on this day. Do not reference the past year or things in the past, only speak of the coming year. Wear new clothes or shoes, especially bright red. Eat candy in the morning for luck and also fish and chicken during the day. Don’t wash your hair. Do not cry on New Year’s Day or you will cry throughout the whole year. Don’t sweep the floor. Don’t greet people who are in mourning. Don’t drop your chopsticks. Do not use knives or scissors. The first person you meet or first words heard are indicative of the setting of the whole year. Happy New Year everyone!  Enjoy!  Be well, stay safe and find your happy! In gratitude, Christina

How to get ready for Chinese New Year and how to bring luck to the Year of the Rat! 

Berkeley Accupunture Chinese New Year Rat

Preparing for the Chinese New Year and Attracting Good Fortune in the Year of the Ra Welcome the year of the Rat!  The rat is the first of all zodiac signs and is a sign that a new day is upon, a fresh start, a new beginning!  “According to one myth, the Jade Emperor said the order would be decided by the order in which they arrived to his party. The Rat tricked the Ox into giving him a ride. Then, just as they arrived at the finish line, the Rat jumped down and landed ahead of the Ox, becoming first.” The Energy of the Year Rats are clever, resourceful, quick thinkers, they also love quiet and peaceful environments.  Rats can take unlucky events and turn them into financial gain.  They are also good for fertility! So, how to create some luck in the New Year? This is my personal New Year and I take (almost) all of the following to heart, especially the “whatever you do on New Year’s Day is what you’ll be doing all year”, so choose wisely, celebrate, have fun, connect with friends and family… at the very least wear red undergarments next Saturday! By Chinese New Year’s Eve, you should have done the following: Clean the entire home to get rid of all the things that are associated with the old year. Put away all brooms and brushes. Pay debts. Resolve differences with family members, friends, neighbors and business associates. Buy oranges (good health and long life), tangerines (long relationships, fruitful and multiply for having children or persimmons (happiness and wealth). Fresh flowers, if a flower blooms on New Year’s Day this is a sign of prosperity all year. Get together with close family members for the “reunion” dinner the night before. Open every door and window in your home at midnight of New Year’s Eve to let go of the old year. On Chinese New Year’s Day… What you do today is what you’ll be doing ALL year long, choose wisely! Do not lend any money, otherwise you’ll be lending all year. Do not use foul language or unlucky words, like the word ‘four” which is the word for death, do not talk about death or ghosts on this day. Do not reference the past year or things in the past, only speak of the coming year. Wear new clothes or shoes, especially bright red! Eat candy in the morning for luck and also fish and chicken during the day. Do not wash your hair. Do not cry on New Year’s Day or you will cry throughout the whole year. Do not sweep the floor.  Bad luck!  Don’t touch that broom, vacuum cleaner or Swiffer! Do not greet people who are in mourning. Do not drop your chopsticks. Do not use knives or scissors.  No cooking, go out to eat! The first person you meet or first words heard are indicative of the setting of the whole year. And for those most superstitious, before leaving the house to call on others, the Almanac should be consulted to find the best time to leave the home and the direction, which is most auspicious to head out.  (Ok, maybe a little overboard!) Last thought… Saturday, January 25th is the first day of the lunar new year and will actually be the year 4718.  Doesn’t that just blow your mind? Gong Hei Fat Choy! In Prosperity, Christina Martin Tao to Wellness Berkeley, CA 510-883-0383  

What is the Chinese circadian clock?

Clock in Paris

What is the Chinese circadian clock? The Chinese Circadian Clock is a brilliant thing that was created by the Chinese thousands of years ago.  The Chinese believe that each of our main 12 organs systems have a 2 hour time period each day where those organs are on a strict schedule of active self-regulation. If there are times of day or night that you feel a little off; maybe you experience an energy plummet or perhaps you’re wide awake at the same time every night, look to the clock and see what organ is associated with that span of time. For example, many people wake up between 1am-3am. This points right to the liver, this says the spirit of the liver is restless, but why?  Perhaps, your liver is congested and needs some attention, maybe your stress level is high and it’s working things out during your sleep? Let’s say you hit a wall between 3pm-6pm, this is also common, that late afternoon slump usually indicates a classic adrenal issue.  In Chinese medicine, the Kidneys and it’s partner in crime the Urinary Bladder are linked to the adrenal glands and cortisol.  Perhaps you are burning the candle at both ends and need some support. Where are you experiencing consistent symptomology? 1am-3am: Liver 3am-5am: Lungs 5am-7am: Large Intestine 7am-9am: Stomach 9am-11am: Spleen 11am-1pm: Heart 1pm-3pm: Small Intestine 3pm-5pm: Urinary Bladder 5pm-7pm: Kidney 7pm-9pm: Pericardium 9pm-11pm: San Jiao (Triple Burner) 11pm-1am: Gall Bladder

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