Frequently Asked Questions
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is one modality under the umbrella of Chinese medicine and has been in practice for over 5000 years. It can address both symptoms and the root cause of ailments and disease. The process involves the insertion of tiny hairlike needles into the body at specific Acupuncture points. When these areas are stimulated it sends a signal to an organ system, which helps that organ harmonize and rebalance. When the organ is energetically brought back to equilibrium, symptoms virtually disappear. Countless research studies confirm that Acupuncture is an effective treatment for many issues including the management of pain, women’s health including fertility, digestive disorders, emotional wellness and insomnia to name a few.
Is Acupuncture safe?
Acupuncture is very, very safe. There are no complications or negative side effects and the needles are disposable.
Does Acupuncture hurt?
Since Acupuncture needles are extremely thin and equivalent to the thickness of one hair on your head, most patients do not feel pain. However, sensations are desired and can range from warmth, heaviness, tingling or even the equivalent of a mosquito bite. Whatever sensations a patient feels usually subsides within seconds.
What happens during my first visit?
During your first visit, the practitioner will perform a thorough assessment, asking many questions related to not only your chief complaint, but also your medical history, your constitution, diet, habits and family history. Followed by gathering information through diagnostics; taking your pulse, examining your tongue, and sometimes palpating your abdomen or checking for tender areas on the limbs. Chinese medicine treats the whole body so we take everything into consideration before we select a set of acupuncture points and/or prescribe Chinese herbs.
Once the acupuncture treatment begins, know that we will always work at your pace. Once the practitioner makes sure you are comfortable, patients usually rest deeply or sleep for 30-45 minutes.
How many treatments will I need?
Each individual is unique and the rate of healing is dependent on the duration, severity and nature of the issue. Patients will feel a change right after their very first appointment. Change is easy, rerouting the body energetically is easy, healing a pattern takes a little bit more time. Acute issues usually need one treatment, more chronic issues can take 5 – 10 treatments, it all depends. Patient compliance is also key around frequency of appointments, herbal remedies, dietary recommendations and lifestyle adjustments.
Are Chinese herbs safe?
Chinese herbal medicine is safe when working with a licensed herbalist. The companies that we carry in the clinic are professional grade, only available through healthcare practitioners, follow eco-sensitive farming principles and routinely test the soil and water for safety from contamination of pesticides, heavy metals, fungus, mold and bacteria. The herbs are then extracted with softened and purified water and then granulated and sealed in temperature controlled rooms. The companies we work with follow the current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) established by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and World Health Organization (WHO).
Do you work with pregnant women?
Absolutely! We specialize in fertility and commonly see patients throughout their first trimester, to not only stave off miscarriage but also work with any symptoms like morning sickness that may occur during this time. We are also available to support patients during their third trimester for breech presentation and labor encouragement.
What is your fee schedule?
Our fee schedule is as follows:
Initial Consultation and Acupuncture Treatment (Pain and Internal Medicine) $195
Initial Consultation and Acupuncture Treatment (Women’s Health and Fertility) $215
Follow up Acupuncture Treatment $120
Packages of 5 Acupuncture Treatments are $550
Cupping $40 (Add on)
Moxibustion $20 (Add on)
Labor Encouragement Treatment $140
Moxibustion for Breech Presentation $140
We are pleased to offer 15 minute complimentary consultations to see if we are a good fit for you. You can book that here.
Do you take my Insurance?
We are in network with Cigna and United Healthcare. We also accept Aetna and Health Plan Services if you have out of network acupuncture benefits. Please email us at with a photo of the front and back of your insurance card along with your birthdate so we can verify insurance before your appointment.