Digestive Health

In traditional Chinese medicine, the digestion is the core of health. The system is viewed as a pot resting over a fire. The pot representing the Spleen, and the fire representing the warmth from Kidney Yang. A strong digestive fire is necessary to break down and convert vital nutrients into Qi (energy) and blood in order to transport them and literally feed the rest of the body. Possessing a strong harmonious digestive system is imperative, chronic impaired digestion can disrupt other systems causing illness and disease.

How can Chinese Medicine Help my Digestion?

Both acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can play a major role in harmonizing and strengthening the digestive system.

Acupuncture is a unique modality, because it has the power to heal and balance almost merely with intention. It is a self regulating mechanism, and in the realm of digestive health, it makes deep healing accessible.

For example, if you are struggling with diarrhea or constipation, two very different scenarios that come from two very different diagnoses, an Acupuncture point on the Stomach channel called Stomach 36 or Zusanli can signal the body to self regulate and whether the issue is deficient or excess, like in the case of diarrhea or constipation, it will regulate and symptoms will disappear. This is extremely valuable for many reasons, but primarily when the digestive system is weak or grossly misaligned, prescription or herbal medicine might not have an opportunity to restore balance, because the digestion is just not strong enough to process it. So acupuncture becomes a gentle catalyst for deep healing.

Chinese Herbal MedicineChinese herbal medicine and Chinese nutrition, on the other hand, play a bit of a different role in the healing of the digestion system. Chinese herbs provide subtle shifts, multiple times a day, in between acupuncture treatments, this is so beneficial. There is also a different intention with Chinese herbal medicine, for example perhaps the patient has bloating or always feels full, in other words, the digestion seems slow, focusing on building the digestive fire with herbal medicine is key. Sometimes it’s a matter of cooling the body, for example in the case of acid regurgitation, stomach pain or constipation, herbal medicine provides cooling and a softening of the system, something that cannot be achieved with acupuncture alone.

Our granule pharmacy allows us to customize herbal formulas for exactly the state of your digestive system, carefully modifying as we go along. Nutritional recommendations are also of great support.

What Kind of Digestive Issues Do We Help With?

Research suggests that acupuncture is an effective treatment for most digestive issues because it stimulates the nervous system to signal gut motility which can relieve symptoms by stimulating or relaxing gut movement. Some of the most common digestive complaints that we work with in the clinic are the following:

  Acid Reflux

  Nausea and Vomiting

  IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)




  Peptic Ulcer Disease

  Crohn’s Disease

  Ulcerative Colitis

  Stomach Pain

  Excessive Bloating and Gas

What About the Gut-Brain Axis?

It seems important to mention the gut-brain axis. This axis is the communication of the bacteria in your digestive system (microbiome) and the brain. In recent years, scientists have discovered that gut microbes produce neurotransmitters in the brain, for example some probiotics produce an neurotransmitter called GABA that regulate brain activity and calms anxiety. Another gut bacteria produces serotonin, a neurotransmitter that quells depression and anxiety when increased. With the gut and brain in active collaboration, it’s essential to keep balance, not just for balanced digestion but for emotional health as well. Acupuncture regulates the immune system through the vagus nerve, which is integral for this communication of the gut and brain to occur.

Researchers are finding a whole host of medical conditions associated with a faulty gut-brain axis including the following:


✓  Depression

  Chest Pain (Non-Cardiac)

  Chronic Stress

  Chronic Fatigue

  Chronic Pain


  Parkinson’s Disease

At Tao to Wellness, we’ve been addressing digestive concerns for over two decades. If you are struggling with your digestive health, consider reaching out and scheduling an appointment or complimentary consultation with us.

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