10 Things You Need To Know!!! Berkeley-Acupuncture
10 Things You Need To Know!!! Berkeley-Acupuncture Juggling a practice, a family and the day to day of living in the Bay area can be a lot… I’ve found these 10 things really help in keeping me balanced, in tune and at the top of my game. Barlean’s Total omega fish oil (Orange cream flavor). A liquid fish oil for the family that taste so great that kids even ask for it! Smoothie in the morning. My daughter calls my husband “smoothie man” because he makes us a delicious smoothie every morning, we try not to make it too cold, and normally do some variation of spinach, kale, banana, berries, ginger, lemon, and an apple. We always add brown rice protein powder, bee pollen, chia seeds, or hemp. They are delicious and I love knowing how ever crazy our day gets, at least we started the day with some fruits, vegis, and some good omegas! Organic food delivery. Every Tuesday we wake up to a box of very affordable, delicious fresh produce from Farm Fresh to you. You can choose what you want in your box or tailor it to what you need that week. I like being surprised and finding new ways to good vegis I would not normally buy, like fennel. Yoga Glo. Unlimited yoga classes for $18/ month that you can take right in your own home… yes please! I love going to yoga class, but I find it pretty hard these days to get out of the house, much less finding a class that offers day care. Yoga Glo has all kinds of options, times, and levels. You can even do a free month to try it out. Calcium Magnesium powder. I became obsessed with cal-mag powder during my pregnancy, it does wonders for those charlie horses you get in the middle of the night. But I have continued taking it post pregnancy and find that it helps me sleep and helps with all kinds of aches and pains, because it reduces lactic acid. Essential oils. I have been playing around the past year using essential oils as a home remedy for my family and I. I have noticed some pretty remarkable things. Using lavender and Frankincense for headaches is very helpful. And when my daughter has had ear aches, Melaleuca takes care of the pain overnight Going to bed early and reading. I always, always feel better, and sleep better the nights I go to bed before 10:30, and avoid screen time. Riding bikes. After being pregnant and not being able to ride a bike with a baby, I am seeing light at the end of the tunnel as the time is nearing when I can put the baby in a bike seat. I love all bikes; mountain, road, and cruisers, and I can’t wait to get back on the bike and ride where ever I can! Not to mention, the days my husband commutes home on his bike, he is in the best mood, so I love bikes for that too. Not having plans. A lot of us live a jam packed life, sometimes I find if I want to hang out with friends, I have to schedule it and put it on the calendar weeks in advance. I love going on weekend trips, and socializing, but I find the best, most enjoyable days are when we wake up and ask ourselves “what do you want to do today?”. It seems like the most exciting things happen when they are not planned. Not to mention, it’s simply more relaxing to not have to rush out of the house. My new favorite cookbook: “The anti-inflammation Cookbook” by Amanda Haas. So simple and deliciously healthy recipes! In Health, Nikole Maxey, L.Ac. Acupuncture specialist Tao to Wellness