What you shouldn’t eat if you have FIBROMYALGIA!

What you shouldn’t eat if you have FIBROMYALGIA! Fibromyalgia can be intense… so much so that a person cannot get out of bed, much less exercise.  Often times, they may gain weight complicating their digestive system, in turn their muscles don’t get fed enough because of their weak digestion and finally, they become depressed.  Suffering with fibromyalgia can be, not only a two fold problem, it’s a ten fold issue. So, to help move things in the right direction, here are some foods that you should absolutely, positively avoid if you are suffering from fibromyalgia.  Our acupuncture patients have reported that just by avoiding these foods that can take their pain level down by 50% or more… Asparatame This is at the top of every avoid food list… seriously. Asparatame is like poison to anyone, but especially someone with fibromyalgia.  Asparatame has been proven to cause decreased vision, permanent vision loss, buzzing and ringing in the ears, swelling of the limbs, bloating and high risk of infection. Nightshade vegetables True, true… vegetables are good for you!  But if you suffer from inflammatory issues, nightshades are NOT! Eggplants, green peppers, tomatillos, potatoes, and tomatoes are on this list.  These foods cause allergic type of reactions, which in turn will cause more pain. Caffeine It’s understandable that people that are fatigue (a main challenge with fibromyalgia is it’s link to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) will reach for caffeine to help perk them up, however this is a poor solution that back fires in the end and will leave someone MORE tired after the initial caffeine rush diminishes. Doctors say a diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables (green) and nice lean protein will help much more in the long run than the instant gratification of caffeine. Refined Sugar and Simple Carbohydrates Our patients with fibromyalgia seem to crash harder than the rest of us with these two evils… sugar can also cause yeast infections that can turn more seriously into Candida, (another piggy back issue with fibromyalgia). It’s easier just to stay away, there are too many negative side effects when consuming sugar and simple carbs. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can help immensely with the vicious cycle of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Candida and depression. In Health, Christina Martin

I give you… The Avocado!

5 Great Reasons to Eat Avocados They are yummy, satisfying and so, so good for you! Avocados are:  High in Potassium- Avocados actually have more potassium than bananas, a food we often think of initially when we want to increase out potassium intake. Potassium functions to build muscles, synthesize proteins, control electrical activity of  the heart and to maintain acid-base balance in the body. Great source of Vitamin C & E. Both are wonderful antioxidants, which function to neutralize the effects of free-radicals (substances that damage the body’s cells) and have a role in disease prevention.           Carotenoids are packed in the darker, outside layer of the flesh of the avocado. Carotenoids fight against AND prevent cancer High in fiber. Essential for good digestive health. High in Magnesium- assists with nutrient absorption. Eating great is the first step, but it is also important to make sure that you can absorb the goodness from what you eat. Easy to include avocados into your meals- add to salads, put in smoothies, mash up and mix with brown rice. A on-the-go snack is to grind fresh pepper onto ½ an avocado and spoon it out with crackers or tortilla chips.  

What’s your Matcha missing Missy?

What’s your Matcha missing Missy? First of all, what IS Matcha? Well, it’s green tea, but it’s green tea on steroids! One cup of Matcha is the nutritional equivalent of 10 cups of green tea and has 137 times more antioxidants than regular green tea. I guess that explains why it’s so darn expensive! Some health benefits of Matcha… (Gee, I just had my morning cup of black tea, but now I want to make some Matcha!) Is packed with antioxidants including the powerful EGCg Boosts metabolism and burns calories Detoxifies effectively and naturally Calms the mind and relaxes the body Is rich in fiber, chlorophyll and vitamins Enhances mood and aids in concentration Provides vitamin C, selenium, chromium, zinc and magnesium Prevents disease Lowers cholesterol and blood sugar So, what’s going on with that caffeine level anyway? I’ve read because you are getting the whole leaf there is more caffeine than green tea, but just closer to black tea and not as high as coffee. From Matchasource.com: One of the most unexpected health benefits of matcha tea, is that drinkers experience a boost of energy throughout the day. In one study, researchers had thought that this was from the caffeine in matcha, but they found that it was actually the combination of matcha’s natural properties. Another recent study found that matcha even improved physical endurance by 24%.  How I like to prepare my Matcha… Heat some water of course… (and not in the microwave, do people still use those deadly contraptions?) Add a teaspoon of Matcha powder. Add a ‘milk’… almond, coconut, lemongrass infused hemp milk, whatever strikes your fancy. Then… ready? Add a dash or more if you are adventurous of CAYENNE!  Hate cayenne?  How about cinnamon? A little kick of flavor! As Emeril LaGasse would say BAM! Yours in tea and other beverages, Christina Martin, L.Ac. Tao to Wellness Berkeley, CA 94710 www.taotowellness.com  

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