The Benefits of Combining Acupuncture and IVF

The Benefits of Combining Acupuncture and IVF Are you considering or currently undergoing IVF treatment? If so, you’re likely aware of the emotional, physical, and financial investment involved in the journey to conception. Fortunately, there’s a complementary therapy that will enhance your chances of success: acupuncture. Let’s explore the remarkable benefits of acupuncture for IVF and how it can support you on your fertility journey. Enhancing IVF with Acupuncture Therapy Acupuncture has gained recognition as a valuable adjunct to traditional medical treatments like IVF. This ancient Chinese therapy involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to promote balance and harmony within the body’s energy pathways, known as meridians. By stimulating these points, acupuncture helps regulate hormonal imbalances, improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, and reduce stress—all of which are crucial for optimizing fertility and IVF success. Acupuncture Support for IVF Treatment For individuals undergoing IVF, the process can be physically and emotionally taxing. From hormone injections to surgical procedures, the journey can take its toll on both the body and mind. Acupuncture offers much-needed support by alleviating stress, anxiety, and discomfort associated with IVF treatment. Regular acupuncture sessions help you feel more relaxed, centered, and prepared for each step of the IVF process. Role of Acupuncture in Improving IVF Outcomes Numerous studies have explored the role of acupuncture in improving IVF outcomes, with promising results. Research suggests that acupuncture may increase the success rate of IVF by enhancing embryo implantation, improving ovarian function, and reducing the risk of miscarriage. By addressing underlying factors that can impact fertility, such as hormonal imbalances and poor egg quality, acupuncture help couples achieve their dream of parenthood. Combining Acupuncture and IVF for Fertility We work alongside many local clinics in Berkeley, San Ramon and San Francisco. By integrating acupuncture into your IVF journey, you can take a proactive approach to maximizing your chances of success. Your acupuncturist will work closely with your medical team to develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and circumstances. Acupuncture Protocol for IVF Patients If you’re considering acupuncture as a complementary therapy for IVF, it’s essential to seek out a qualified and experienced acupuncturist who specializes in fertility. Your acupuncturist will typically recommend a series of sessions leading up to your IVF cycle to prepare your body for treatment. During the IVF cycle itself, acupuncture may be performed before and after embryo transfer to optimize implantation and support early pregnancy. Acupuncture for IVF: Evidence and Effectiveness The existing evidence confirms that acupuncture is a valuable tool for couples undergoing fertility treatment. Many individuals report feeling more relaxed, less anxious, and more in control of their fertility journey when incorporating acupuncture into their IVF protocol. In conclusion, acupuncture offers a comprehensive approach to enhancing IVF success by addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of fertility. Whether used alone or in conjunction with IVF treatment, acupuncture provides valuable support and empowerment to individuals on their path to parenthood. If you’re considering acupuncture for IVF, be sure to consult with a qualified practitioner, like those at Tao to Wellness, to explore how it can benefit you on your fertility journey.

Fertility Boosting Foods

Fertility Boosting Foods For women who are trying to conceive, here are a list of foods that can support fertility. Raspberries Not only do raspberries register as the lowest fruit on the glycemic index, they are also extremely beneficial for boosting fertility in men and women. They contain high levels of Vitamin C (key in sperm health) and Magnesium (key in production of testosterone). Raspberries also protect sperm from oxidative stress. For women, antioxidants can decrease the risk of miscarriage and is great source of folate which is important in embryo development. Pineapple Core Is this a myth true? We don’t know. Will it hurt?  No. The active enzyme in pineapple is bromelain, which is more concentrated in the core of the pineapple. Bromelain is said to decrease inflammation in the body.  The prescription is one whole pineapple cut into 5 portions consumed the day after you’ve had timed intercourse, an IUI or an IVF transfer for the next 5 days. Avocado Scientists believe that monounsaturated fats can increase fertility by decreasing inflammation in the body.  Other sources of monounsaturated fats are olive oil, sunflower oil, nuts and seeds. In addition, the avocado also promotes regular ovulation. Poultry Chinese medicine categorizes herbal medicine and foods by taste, temperature, property and indication. Poultry has an interesting relationship with the uterus in that it tonifies the organ, thereby creating an upward energy. This is instrumental in implantation and your first trimester, since a downward motion of Qi or energy in the uterus could result in miscarriage. Chinese practitioners worldwide recommend eating poultry (turkey, chicken and duck) daily after ovulation and timed intercourse.  They also say that eating it before is contraindicated (during the Follicular Phase) because, “You don’t want to close the gate”. Protein From a Chinese medicine point of view, this is key in fertility and pregnancy since protein bring blood and essence to the body. From a Western point of view, they are the building blocks of life and play a huge role in brain development of the unborn fetus.  Proteins like fish, eggs and pork are wonderful for enhancing fertility, as is red meats like lamb and beef.  The latter two should be less frequent though, because they have a tendency to cause inflammation in the body. Complex Carbs Eat more complex (slow) carbs and limit highly processed (simple) carbs. Your body digests simple carbs (cookies, cakes, white bread and pasta) quickly, and turns them into blood sugar, which then creates a surge of insulin.  High insulin levels appear to inhibit ovulation.  Besides, simple carbs also create inflammation, can reek havoc on the thyroid (AKA the 3rd ovary), mess with the digestion and cause disorder for all hormones, especially the lutenizing hormone. Complex carbs are digested slowly and have a more gradual effect on blood sugar and insulin. Barely refined grains are superb sources of fertility-friendly B vitamins, vitamin E, and fiber. Some of our favorites are buckwheat, which contains d-chiro-inositol, a compound that improves ovulation and amaranth, millet and quinoa.

Having fertility struggles? Two things you can do that are FREE!

Having fertility struggles? Two things you can do that are FREE! Having fertility struggles? Two things you can do that are FREE! Tao to Wellness has been specializing in Fertility for over 20 years! We’ve seen many women and couples come through these doors looking for help on their journey to parenthood! It is NOT an easy journey for some, that’s the plain truth. Being a woman myself, I can completely understand why it’s so upsetting… it’s like there’s this one thing that you should be able to do and for some reason it’s not happening. I know that I can’t perform brain surgery, I know how to do acupuncture, I studied, I practiced it’s like a 1 +1 = 2. And then there’s the subject of getting pregnant, it’s the one thing our bodies should naturally do and when it doesn’t, it’s frustrating, sad and maddening at times. Aside from getting Acupuncture Chinese herbs, eating right and well, having timed intercourse there are two things that are so often overlooked.   STRESS MANAGEMENT! As I said, the fertility journey is tough, like one of the toughest things a woman has to go through and every month there’s that hope, the disappointment, the tears, the WHY is this happening to me? It all takes a toll on the body, a negative toll. The best way (and the most impossible) is to just forget about it, do all the things you are doing, but loosen the reigns a little bit. I realize it’s contraindicated to say do all those things and relax but somewhere there is a happy balance. I can’t tell you how often a patient says “screw it” and went on that girls’ weekend and drank martinis the whole time and guess what? That was the month she got pregnant. It’s not to say all the things she was doing beforehand wasn’t working, they were! It’s just that her level of stress and doing things perfectly was standing in her way.   REST! We are all so, so busy these days, truly! Make space to NEST, make room in your life to be pregnant, act as if you are already are. Bootcamp? Running? Yeah, not so great for nesting. Give them up for now, bootcamp will always be there, you can restart later. Right now, prepare your body! Think of the difference between Yin and Yang, you want to create more Yin, resting, quiet, sleep, meditation, just hang out basically, become a coach potato, get more sleep. These things will relax the body and create easy flow throughout, therefore becoming a vessel for pregnancy to occur. Some patients would ask me, “What if I gain weight?” (Oh boy…) Good luck and let us know if you need anything, we are available 7 days a week in the Berkeley office and if you’re not in Berkeley, we do full, in depth consultations over Skype.  

Why should I get Acupuncture if I’m already doing IVF?

Why should I get Acupuncture if I’m already doing IVF? The role of Acupuncture and Ovarian Stimulation Utilizing traditional Chinese techniques, such as acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine have not only become popular, but ironically mainstream. As a senior practitioner, I recall just 20 years ago being penned a ‘witch doctor’ and now we are in communication and working synergistically with doctors on how to best serve our patient population. We’ve come so far and it’s very exciting. As for the fertility world, I’ve witnessed the practice of combining acupuncture and ART grow immensely in the last 15 years and with good reason. There has been worldwide research studies showing the benefits of acupuncture and the ART cycle. Studies have shown the efficacy of acupuncture in increasing blood flow to the uterus, assisting in sensitizing patients to IVF medications, normalizing hormones and hypothalamus function, inducing ovulation and an increase in pregnancy rates with administering needles pre and post transfer. But to understand how it works, requires the minimal basics of Chinese medicine, just simply understanding the properties of Yin and Yang. One could dictate everything in our world into Yin or Yang. Yin are things like night, cold, meditation, blood and body fluid. Yang are things like day, hot, exercise, Qi or energy. The act of ovarian stimulation is the ovary (Yin) being stimulated by Qi or IVF medications (Yang) for growth. But the key to success is beginning with a proper Yin environment for the ovary, follicles and oocytes (eggs) to flourish. Patients will then respond to medication properly (being a ‘good responder’) and conception can be achieved. Acupuncturist, Jane Lyttleton says that optimum Yin levels are an important requirement in optimum fertility. Yin is essentially the fluid nourishing the egg inside the follicle in the ovary and the cervical mucus in the uterus. Therefore, the aspect of follicle development and the plentitude of cervical mucus are all aligned with the nature of Yin. If the environment is amiss, response during the cycle will be a challenge. As you can see, on a micro level, Yin is of the utmost importance. And it is on a macro level as well. One of the biggest reasons for fertility challenges in the West is due to a deficient Yin constitution. What causes Yin to decline or become deficient in women? Working long hours, a diet high in sugar or processed foods, rushed eating, over and undereating, inadequate sleep, too little exercise, drug abuse (this includes caffeine, nicotine and alcohol), multiple pregnancies (which can exhaust the resources) or loss of large amounts of blood or body fluids (heavy, prolonged periods). Yin starts declining at age 30 naturally, but in Chinese theory, as long as one has a menstrual cycle there is no reason for the inability to conceive. A women’s reproductive system is very much like a garden. The uterus being the soil, the ovaries like trees, the follicles and eggs like fruit. If you had an orange tree planted in your garden and you never tended to it what would the health of the orange tree be? Without the proper water, sun or fertilizer would it thrive? What is the soil like? Would it bear fruit? Chinese medicine helps deliver all the essentials needed to you’re reproductive system so that it can thrive and become ready for pregnancy. From a Western point of view, it is proven that blood flow impedance in the uterine arteries is associated with a decreased pregnancy rate following IVF embryo transfer. Since successful in-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer demand optimal endometrial receptivity at the time of implantation a study was done to see if acupuncture could actually increase blood flow to the uterus. The study used electro-acupuncture for two treatments a week for four weeks. The uterine blood flow was measured by transvaginal ultrasonography and pulsed Doppler curves before, after and then 2 weeks after treatment had ended. The result was a calculated and noticeable increase of blood flow to the uterus directly after 4 weeks, but more astounding to doctors was that when the patients were retested 2 weeks later (without treatment) the blood flow remained consistent as it was directly after the treatment protocol. Another study, Improving Ovarian Response to Gonadotropins with acupuncture was a randomized study evaluating acupuncture as an adjunct to in-vitro fertilization and was published in the journal of Fertility and Sterility. This study, a randomized, controlled double blind crossover pilot trial was performed using a needle like device (sham acupuncture) as a control in the Sham group and obviously, typical acupuncture in the Standard group. The mean age was 36.2 years and the mean Day 3 FSH was 6.8, other criteria were both ovaries present and a normal uterine cavity, exclusion criteria was Kruger sperm morphology of less than 4%. The end results of the study were remarkable in many ways. The Standard group as opposed to the Sham group attained increased results in egg retrieval and maturity, fertilization, endometrial thickness and pregnancies (chemical, clinical and ongoing). The Standard group also showed a significantly lower amount of gonadotropins (injectables) necessary for the cycle.   The conclusion; acupuncture helps assist and sensitize the patient to ART medications resulting in less of them and in this particular study a 70% pregnancy rate was achieved in comparison to only 25% success in the Sham group. Also, worth mentioning, acupuncture plays a role in Stage 4 follicular recruitment, what that means is even though you may have a low antral follicle count, low AMH or have been told you have a low ovarian reserve, it could mean the issue lies in, not the number of follicles, but the development of these follicles are compromised (leading us back to issue of plentiful Yin). Acupuncture can assist with this development. In conclusion, acupuncture is useful in assisting ART in many ways. Put simply, it increases blood flow to the reproductive organs causing an optimal environment. You can safely use acupuncture through all phases of your journey,

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