13 Ways Acupuncture Can Change Your Life
13 Ways Acupuncture Can Change Your Life It will open your mind. Acupuncture requires us to think about health in entirely new ways. In this day and age, we are heavily influenced and encouraged to put all of our faith in Western Medicine, a system that is more reaction based than preventative based. The concepts of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture is foreign to many, yet with a little explanation and experience, these ancient healing practices begin to make a lot of sense. It will make you less stressed. Acupuncture takes the edge off. Lets face it. We could all use less stress. Most of us are so wound up so tight, that we do not realized just how incredibly stressed we are! By mellowing out the nervous system, acupuncture will help you feel less affected by and better equipped to manage the stressful aspects of life. It will inspire you to get outside more. Things like weather and seasonal shifts factor significantly into acupuncture diagnoses and treatment plans. When you start thinking about health in this way, realizing the intimate relationship that humans have with nature, it inspires a desire to get outside and commune with your natural habitat. All parts of life are deeply connected. It will give you more energy. Although it’s common to find yourself in a somewhat dazed, blissfully relaxed state—immediately following Acupuncture Treatment, the after effect is usually increased energy. Many people report having more energy in the hours, days and even weeks after acupuncture treatment. You can’t put a price on that! Forget the Energy drinks, boost and shots…there is no comparison between toxic man made energy and real energy itself. It will clear your head. Many people notice improved mental clarity after acupuncture. They’re able to make decisions faster, with greater confidence. They feel more motivated and resolute about tackling items that have been lingering for months on their to-do lists. It’s as if the mental cobwebs have been cleared out. And just like that, life becomes much easier. It will allow you to give yourself a break. Something we all very much need. Just the act of laying down for an hour in a cozy room listening to soft music can relax all aspects of your body and mind. Throw in the deeper relaxation aspects of the Acupuncture treatment itself and you will find yourself on a mini healing retreat. It will help you sleep. Insomnia is one of the most common complaints seen by acupuncturists, and acupuncture can be highly effective at resolving it. But even in people who do not recognize or mention sleep as a problem, acupuncture has a tendency to produce more restful nights. It will get you thinking differently about food. Whether you’re Paleo, vegetarian, gluten-free, dairy-free, or free of any restrictions, acupuncture will lend some interesting perspective to your food choices. In acupuncture, foods often are thought about in terms of temperature. Some people, because of their constitutions or root imbalances, need warming foods while others need foods that cool. And this can change significantly based on the seasons. Everyone is different. Acupuncture dietary theory sheds light on why some people can eat certain foods and feel unaffected while others can’t even look in their direction. It will give you something to talk about at parties. Move past that awkward moment where everyone is standing around uncomfortable, unsure of what to say…Mention that you’ve recently had Acupuncture and the conversation will take off! People love hearing firsthand accounts about Acupuncture. Did it hurt? How big are the Needles? Did you cry? Do they put like a hundred of them in you?! Keep in mind that you are also giving them the gift of your experience. You are helping normalize a healing practice that everyone can benefit from. Much love, Amanda Self Amanda Self wears a variety of hats at Tao To Wellness. From Social Media to Medical Billing, she brings healing energy to all that she touches. Amanda is a Reiki Master, a jeweler and is currently studying Herbalism, both in the classroom and out in the fields.