How to Be in Harmony with Summer!

How to Be in Harmony with Summer! As of June 21st it is officially summer 2024 and the season of ABUNDANCE! Summer is the fullest expression of Yang, it’s hot, dry, daylight, it’s active and fiery. Yin is the opposite and is cool, fluid, nighttime, meditative. In these hot summer months, it can sometimes be a challenge to keep the two balanced. In Chinese medicine, each season has a set of paired organs that are associated with it, but for the season of summer, there are actually four! Heart The Heart governs the blood and is responsible for the Shen or Spirit. Pericardium The Pericardium is called the ‘heart wrapper’ and protects the heart from external influences like a temperature change or a pathogenic invasion. Small Intestine The Small Intestine receives food and fluids from the stomach and then separates it into pure and turbid, this also applies to emotions in the sense of making the distinctions between positive and negative thinking. San Jiao The San Jiao is a Chinese organ and is translated as the Triple Burner or Triple Heater. It’s closely associated with the 2nd, 3rd and 4th chakras or energy centers of the body. The San Jiao is a bit of a mysterious organ with it’s main job being a conductor for spreading energy throughout the body. All of these belong to the Fire element, the emotions are Joy or Agitation, the taste is bitter and color, of course, is red. How to Attune to the Season So, now that we are in summer, how do we attune or make friends with the season? Here’s some tips: To be in circadian harmony: Awaken very early in the morning preferably at sunrise. Hey, 5am clubbers! To find comfort: Drink hot liquids and take warm showers, which will open the pores and bring on sweating! Quite the opposite of what we usually think for summer-  cold drinks, ice and what not actually blocks the heat from releasing. Not too cold: Try not to overdo raw, cold foods. Combining too much cold food (Ice, ice cream, raw fruits and vegetables) with summer heat can weaken the digestive organs since cold contracts. Practice moderation! To find balance: Depending on how hot it is in your area, you may want to consider adding a mineral supplement to your regimen in the hot summer months. Since we have a tendency to sweat more, we could be losing minerals which can weaken the system. Cooking Tips! The main rule of thumb is to cook things on high temp and for a very short period of time. It’s a great way to warm the food up a bit while also maintaining all of the nutrients. Some cooling fresh foods to incorporate into your diet are salads, sprouts like mung, soy, or alfalfa, fruit, cucumber, tofu, watermelon, lemon, and limes. Also mint, chamomile or chrysanthemum teas are great for the summer heat! One more note, don’t feel like you need to shy away from spice, because they are actually considered helpful in warm weather. Spices will help bring body heat to the surface, open the pores thus allowing the extra heat to be released! This will help you attune to the heat and will help you to feel less affected by it. This Year’s Summer Recipe Pick! We all love watermelon, it’s sweet and cooling and actually can be fabulous as a salad! Of course, if you’re watching your sugar intake, be sure to portion this out accordingly because it can be quite addictive! This is a take on a salad that I had once at Flora in downtown Oakland (RIP Flora) that left such an impression on me. I never forgot it and every time I serve it, people just go bananas for it. It’s a no recipe – recipe, so amounts are really how you like them. Watermelon Feta Salad INGREDIENTS Watermelon Kalamata Olives, chopped. Feta Cheese or if you’re dairy free, vegan feta works just as well Figs, chopped Pine Nuts or any small, soft nut you prefer, like crushed pistachios Mint, chopped, small amount to just give the salad some lift! A simple dressing of Champagne Vinegar and Olive Oil (Good quality) Approximately 3 tablespoon olive oil to 1 tablespoon of champagne vinegar. DIRECTIONS In a large bowl add watermelon, chopped olives, chopped figs, pine nuts and chopped mint. Mix well. In a smaller bowl, mix the olive oil and champagne vinegar. Pour it over your salad and then add the feta over the top. Delicious and refreshing with bursts of flavors! Enjoy the summer and we hope to see you soon!

Acupuncture and it’s Success with Migraines

Acupuncture and it’s Success with Migraines Migraines are headaches that cause, severe throbbing pain, or a pulsing sensation and they usually occur on one side of the head. They can also be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light.  Some people get a warning signal, which is known as an aura that occurs before the actual onset of the headache. The aura can cause visual disturbances, tingling on one side of the face or some people actually have difficulty speaking. Western medicine will agree that while medications can prevent some migraines, or at least make them less painful, the right medicine accompanied with self-help remedies, lifestyle changes, and other modalities like acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can give the body what it needs to not just mask the symptoms, but cure it completely. In Chinese medicine, we usually see two main scenarios or imbalances when it comes to migraine headaches. The first is hormonal imbalances, the second are patients with high stress. Hormonal Imbalance In Chinese medicine, issues can occur because of the Liver, Kidneys or the Spleen being out of balance and not being able to communicate properly with the brain. Figuring out the key organ system depends on other symptomatology and the nature of the migraine itself.  The most common scenario is an imbalanced Liver. Stagnant Liver Qi can create tightness in the Liver organ and channel, over time in women this can look like menstrual cramps, PMS and headaches including migraines timed around the period. When there is too much stagnation and tightness present, the pressure travels upward resulting in a headache that usually follows the Gall Bladder channel; around the trapezius, the back of the neck and around the ear. High Stress When a migraine is caused by high stress, the scenario mentioned earlier is similar but can obviously happen in men or women. The same trajectory of pressure stems from tightness and stagnation, then maps around the Gall Bladder channel.  Why the Gall Bladder channel? It’s because the Gall Bladder and the Liver are married, they are husband and wife, partners in crime, when there is a long-standing issue in the Liver, the Gall Bladder acts as an overflow to take the pressure off. This scenario commonly includes other symptoms such as upper back pain and/or tightness, insomnia, especially between the hours of 11pm-3am, overall irritability and possible digestive issues like constipation. How to Treat Migraines with Chinese Medicine Once we have deciphered the troubled organ, it is simply a matter of rerouting the energy.  When energy and pressure are building and going upwards in the body, we attempt to change the direction and bring the energy down into the foundation. With acupuncture, although it might take a handle of sessions to retrain the body so it can sustain on it’s own, patients feel a difference right after the first treatment. A series of treatments might look like this; let’s say we see a new patient who is in a flare up and struggling daily with a migraine headache, we might see that person for three days in a row to start.  As their body is able to hold the sessions, we taper off. The following week we might see them twice, then once a week after that, and then every two weeks and so on. We have a saying at Tao to Wellness, “when the pain comes back, you come back”.  So essentially, the work is listening carefully to what the body needs. Chinese herbal medicine can also play a big part in assisting the patient to “hold and sustain the treatment” faster. By taking Chinese herbal medicine daily this will create subtle shifts and will remind the system to keep that balance, hereby staving off another headache or migraine. Maintenance for Migraines Once we’ve been able to re-balance the system and quell the crisis, the next step is to maintain. Overall, it’s much easier to prevent a migraine, then battling one once it’s in full force. And the longer we can prevent a migraine, the more attuned and balanced the body becomes naturally to where it doesn’t need ‘the reminder’ from acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine any longer. If you struggle with migraines, and wonder if we would be a good fit for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to us, we’d love to help in any way we can.

The Connection between Back Pain and Emotions

Woman doing yoga

The Connection between Back Pain and Emotions Most people struggle with pain. Back pain seems to be the most common. There are three main types of back pain; lower, middle or thoracic and upper which usually involves the neck. While back pain can be from a structural issue, for example stenosis which is a narrowing of the vertebrae, muscle and fascia tightening or tight and twisted tendons which can cause pain.  All of these can also cause radiculopathy or sciatica, which is a nerve type of pain that goes down the arm or leg. it can travel down the side, the back or even the front and can result in numbness or tingling, most commonly in the hand or foot. When the issue is a physical one, a patient will respond to modalities such as massage, chiropractic and physical therapy. When someone is not responding to these modalities, the issue may be in the patient’s emotional state.  This is very common.  We especially see this in situations where pain suddenly “flares up”.  When things “flare up”, it’s your body’s way of saying that it needs attention, rest, or a sign that you’re not managing emotions successfully. Think of back pain as a way of diagnosing. It lets you know what might need adjusting in your life. As mentioned, there are three main sections of the back; lower, middle or thoracic and upper. Upper Back (upper shoulder blades and lower neck) –This is the area of the Lung meridian which is associated with emotion grief.  Sadness, grieving a loss or the feeling of not being able to move, feeling stagnated, the age old “wallowing in grief”. Middle Back (lower shoulder blades, thoracic): This is the area of the Spleen. In Chinese medicine the Spleen emotions are worry or pensiveness. When these emotions get triggered, it can cause stuck energy in the middle back and shoulder blades. Lower Back (lumbar spine, hips): The lower back is connected with the Kidney meridian, which has so much to do with a sense of security and stability. This makes total sense as the hips and low back are the foundation for the spine and in some ways the entire body. Unexpressed frustration or feelings of being unsupported can create blockages in the Kidney which can manifest as stiffness and pain in the lower back and hips. There might also be fear or an inability to ‘walk’ through life because everything feels so unstable. Acupuncture can heal this by enhancing circulation to the area, hereby bringing down inflammation, but also moving stagnate energy.  Every acupuncture session treats the physical, emotional and spiritual plane, there is no separation. The musculoskeletal system (muscles, tendons, bone), all the internal organs (impacting sleep, digestion, immunity, etc) and the mind (impacting the hormones, neurotransmitters and emotions), everything gets addressed. If this resonates with you at all and you are curious, please reach out, we’d love to hear from you.

Can Acupuncture Help Your Tween or Teen?

Can Acupuncture Help Your Tween or Teen? Since we are deep in ‘back to school’, we thought it would be a great idea to spotlight the work that we do with young people. Many people don’t realize that we work with all ages, in fact the youngest person in our practice was only 3 days old, thanks to acupuncture she quickly healed from Erb’s Palsy, an injury to the brachial plexus nerve while coming out of the canal during birth. We love working with children of all ages, but a particular age that we love to see the most are your teens and tweens! How do children respond to acupuncture? Younger people respond incredibly and get results quickly.  Chinese medicine identifies children as ‘pure Yang’; warm, activating, transforming, moving. It’s not until we start becoming an adult that the Yin nature becomes more apparent or at choice perhaps; cooling, stillness, nourishing. We can literally see the Yang nature in our kids, children are transforming and changing daily, it’s hard for the rest of us to keep up.  That’s Yang at work. Another reason why acupuncture is the perfect support for your tween and teen, is because it’s self regulating. It knows what to do, it will shift, harmonize, energize, or relax, whatever it needs to get the body back to equilibrium or balance. This can be magic for a young person who might be a little shy or awkward during those hormonally driven years, maybe they just don’t feel comfortable talking about what’s going on for them, but they’re getting stomachaches and can’t sleep and no one can figure out why.  We don’t need to talk about it, we can get more than enough information from their symptomatology and tongue and pulse diagnosis. We just let the needles and the body do the talking. What are the most common things we treat in kids? Think of young people and their Yang nature as a kettle on the stove, the water is just simmering and simmering and at some point starts to boil, but there’s no way to turn the heat off or move the kettle off the burner.  Acupuncture is that tool that can turn the heat down, let off some steam and release the tension or stagnation. Headaches Stress and tension can cause headaches, but also over thinking, over studying, not enough sleep and being dehydrated. Stomach Pain and Constipation The gastrointestinal system is all about transforming food, transporting it for energy and allowing the system to let go. The digestive system is so closely linked to emotions and when things aren’t flowing freely, things get stuck, physically and emotionally. Trouble Sleeping Teens need about 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night, during a growth spurt, maybe 12 hours. anything less than that is inadequate and can cause other issues like poor eating habits, difficulty learning and focusing which causes increased stress and a whole slew of other symptoms. Difficult Emotions like Depression and Anxiety There’s been quite a bit of research testing the efficacy of acupuncture in regards to depression and anxiety in teens, the results are favorable. Remember hormones are going through so much fluctuation day to day effecting your teen’s moods, one day they’re up and the next they’re down, and they don’t know why. Acupuncture is brilliant for regulating hormones and brain chemistry. Pain Management Physical activity can be a life saver for young people, it allows pent up energy and stress to move!  And sometimes with the growth spurts that are happening on an almost daily basis, add intense after school sports this can sometimes cause problems on a musculoskeletal level. PMS and Menstrual Cramps Similarly with all of the hormone fluctuation, teens girls can feel challenged and tense.  We can help facilitate a smoother menstrual time, with less painful periods and less mood swings. Boosting immunity When everyone else at school is getting sick and they can’t miss the track meet this weekend, we can help support here too. What can I expect during an acupuncture treatment for my child? With teens we let them take the lead, we don’t push, we let them talk as much or as little as they’d like. We’ll get plenty of information from their tongue and pulse and also the simple logistics of their symptomatology. From there, they will lay down on the treatment table and we will gently insert needles, usually a parent prefers to stay in the room the entire time, which is just fine with us. What is the treatment plan like? Very similar to an adult plan, we like to see your tween or teen 1 to 2 times a week, depending on what’s happening for them and the frequency of their symptoms.  As their body shifts and symptoms become less frequent, we decrease the treatment little by little until they are on a bi-monthly maintenance schedule.

Having fertility struggles? Two things you can do that are FREE!

Having fertility struggles? Two things you can do that are FREE! Having fertility struggles? Two things you can do that are FREE! Tao to Wellness has been specializing in Fertility for over 20 years! We’ve seen many women and couples come through these doors looking for help on their journey to parenthood! It is NOT an easy journey for some, that’s the plain truth. Being a woman myself, I can completely understand why it’s so upsetting… it’s like there’s this one thing that you should be able to do and for some reason it’s not happening. I know that I can’t perform brain surgery, I know how to do acupuncture, I studied, I practiced it’s like a 1 +1 = 2. And then there’s the subject of getting pregnant, it’s the one thing our bodies should naturally do and when it doesn’t, it’s frustrating, sad and maddening at times. Aside from getting Acupuncture Chinese herbs, eating right and well, having timed intercourse there are two things that are so often overlooked.   STRESS MANAGEMENT! As I said, the fertility journey is tough, like one of the toughest things a woman has to go through and every month there’s that hope, the disappointment, the tears, the WHY is this happening to me? It all takes a toll on the body, a negative toll. The best way (and the most impossible) is to just forget about it, do all the things you are doing, but loosen the reigns a little bit. I realize it’s contraindicated to say do all those things and relax but somewhere there is a happy balance. I can’t tell you how often a patient says “screw it” and went on that girls’ weekend and drank martinis the whole time and guess what? That was the month she got pregnant. It’s not to say all the things she was doing beforehand wasn’t working, they were! It’s just that her level of stress and doing things perfectly was standing in her way.   REST! We are all so, so busy these days, truly! Make space to NEST, make room in your life to be pregnant, act as if you are already are. Bootcamp? Running? Yeah, not so great for nesting. Give them up for now, bootcamp will always be there, you can restart later. Right now, prepare your body! Think of the difference between Yin and Yang, you want to create more Yin, resting, quiet, sleep, meditation, just hang out basically, become a coach potato, get more sleep. These things will relax the body and create easy flow throughout, therefore becoming a vessel for pregnancy to occur. Some patients would ask me, “What if I gain weight?” (Oh boy…) Good luck and let us know if you need anything, we are available 7 days a week in the Berkeley office and if you’re not in Berkeley, we do full, in depth consultations over Skype.  

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