A Cure for Heavy Energy in Your House

Blue door of a stucco house in Berkeley


Just like our bodies, sometimes our environment can stagnate as well and especially in our home. It can manifest in different ways, sometimes it’s just a cold area, sometimes a scent that’s just off or it can be a room that no one ever spends anytime in.

This is an easy way to clear energy from a room very quickly, the idea is very much like sage, but is quite different.  This clearing tends to be deeper and gets into all the crevices, it’s know to be more thorough.

Disclaimer:  Please be very careful, the fire can grow to be quite large depending on how much rubbing alcohol is used.

What you’ll Need:

Epsom Salt

Rubbing Alcohol

An old mug or disposable metal pan, no bigger than a bread pan

An additional disposable metal pan bigger than the above

A candle or fireplace lighter

A spray bottle filled with water

An old towel or two


Choose an appropriate place to do your burn.  On the floor and away from furniture, rugs, etc.  You do not want anything within 4 feet of your burn.

Put down first towel (folded) and spray lightly with water.  If you’re doing this on a carpet, you may want to have additional layers underneath, as many as you want.  Place larger pan on top of the damp towel.  Place the mug or smaller pan you plan to use and put it inside the larger pan; bigger pans are for bigger rooms or very heavy energy, it also saves time on clearing a room more than once. Keep in mind, you will have a bigger flame. Fill your mug or small pan halfway with Epsom Salt.

Pour the rubbing alcohol into the mug or smaller pan, just covering the Epsom Salt about ½ to 1 inch.

Now, you are ready to light your fire. Keep your hair and face away and be sure to use a long lighter or matchstick.

Have a seat on the floor in front of your burn. Meditate and visualize the room’s energy clearing away, watch the dancing flame and allow the flame to go out naturally.

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