Chinese Herbal Medicine in Berkeley CA

Trusted for thousands of years, Chinese herbal medicine is the other half of full body healing when used in conjunction with Acupuncture. These two compliment each other by aligning the body effortlessly. Chinese herbal medicine nourishes the body or Yin, creates essence, replenishes fluids, builds blood and harmonizes organs, while it’s counterpart acupuncture, opens the meridians, relieves stagnation and redirects Qi (Energy). Where acupuncture works as a quick change to the system, Chinese herbal medicine works slowly. A perfect balance between the two to ensure the greatest results.

All of our practitioners are well versed in the landscape of Chinese herbal medicine, each completing 5,000 hours or more of coursework and just under 15 years of clinical experience while licensed. Due to the expertise required, it is never recommended for anyone to self-medicate with Chinese herbal medicine. Only a licensed practitioner should be consulted when trying to find the perfect blend. Any other use may cause undesirable effects.

Chinese Herbal Medicine in Berkeley CA

At Tao to Wellness, we house a full granule pharmacy. Each herbal formula is tailor made for the individual ensuring the most accurate blend in targeting the patient’s needs. Anywhere from 5 to 15 herbs may be used, complimenting each other like a symphony as they focus on the needs within. The herbs work deeply to restore functionality and address the root cause of the problem.

Where no two individuals are alike, no two formulas are either. Chinese herbal formulas can be modified to meet the patients needs as they change. By monitoring the progress, herbs can be added, subtracted, increased or decreased. And best of all, the body uses the herbs to help restore optimal efficacy, meaning use of the herbs does not have to be life long.

The herbal medicines that we craft from our pharmacy are strict quality controlled products, available to only licensed professionals, ensures the best in herbal standards. All herbs used in our practice must pass a minimum of 15 tests including:

✓  Heavy Metal

  Yeast and Mold

  E. Coli


  Aerobic Microbial Count

  HPLC Potency Level

If you are curious and would like to know more, consider booking a complimentary consultation. 

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