Using Acupuncture to Treat Migraines

Man with a migraine

Blog, Pain Management

What is the Main Reason for Migraines?

Research studies show that acupuncture is wildly successful in the treatment of migraines.  A recent systematic review of 22 clinical studies with 4985 participants showed that acupuncture reduced migraines by 50% in 69% of the individuals and that effect lasted more than 6 months. That is incredibly encouraging since Western medicine unfortunately has very few tools to treat the root cause of the common migraine.

In Western medicine thinking, migraines are triggered from a number of factors, stress being one of them.  The triggers tend to be more difficult to manage for people with irregular serotonin levels. The trigger causes a wave of electrical activity through the brain, the serotonin level surges as well in a similar wave fashion, the result is a decrease in serotonin that causes blood vessels to be irritated resulting pain.

From a Chinese medicine lens, stress also plays a factor. Stress causes stagnation to the energy, the energy gets disrupted and creates an imbalance in the flow, that energy then runs through the meridians in a reckless way causing pressure which results in pain.  The organ systems involved with migraines are usually the Liver and Gall Bladder, there are other scenarios but this is seems to be the most common.  The Liver is the organ that deals with metabolizing stress so to speak, when there is overwhelm, the Liver gets back logged and it’s overflow the Gall Bladder takes over.  The Gall Bladder meridian is where most migraines take place, on one side of the head, around the temple and ear.

What is the Best Natural Treatment for Migraines?

Avoiding Certain Foods

Migraines have so many triggers, alcohol being a big one, in addition to that things like nitrates in food, cheese (because of tyramine), processed foods, cold foods and MSG.  Did you know that citric acid can also be an issue? When tyramine is processed by the body the remaining protein results in processed free glutamic acid, which is MSG.  So read your labels, it almost seems like citric acid is in many, many things.

Grab Some Feverfew

Close-up of a vibrant chamomile flower with white petals and a bright yellow center, symbolizing natural remedies and herbal wellness.
Although we don’t specialize in Western herbalism here at Tao to Wellness, there are a few key herbs like Feverfew that we recommend.  Feverfew looks a little like a daisy and is a folk remedy for the treatment migraines.

The Magic of Magnesium

Magnesium is exactly that, magic!  It’s a necessary factor in around 300 different systems in the body and many of us are actually deficient.  We love magnesium for deeper sleep, leg cramps, constipation and of course migraines, menstrual migraines really responds to magnesium and it can also help with menstrual cramps as well.

Meditation is the Way

Woman in serene meditation at sunset, hands in prayer position with sunlight reflecting through, symbolizing mindfulness and inner peace.
Meditation is a remedy for just about any illness, discomfort or disease.  Relaxing the mind, enhancing the amygdala, relaxing the muscles from head to toe.  Meditation is no longer for soul seekers or Buddhists it’s really for everyone.

Acupuncture in the Treatment of Migraines

Acupuncture needles neatly placed on a black stone, surrounded by bamboo mat and natural elements, symbolizing traditional Chinese medicine and holistic healing.
Our favorite way to treat migraines when they are full force or better yet, our favorite way to prevent them is with acupuncture and here’s why.  Western medicine treatments offered are only a temporary band aid to mask the pain, OTC NSAIDs initially and when that doesn’t work prescription pills, beta blockers and sometimes antidepressants.  The world of Chinese medicine has much more to offer, acupuncture being the number one modality but number two being Chinese herbal medicine.  Another thing to remember is that we are not only treating the problem, we are treating the entire body, rebalancing it and preventing future migraines.  This is really key, because when a patients stops taking the Western medications listed above, the symptoms will return, nothing has necessarily been healed.  With Chinese medicine, we are healing the body.  A great metaphor is when a tree has a sick or diseased branch you can prune it back, but you also need to treat the roots of that tree so that the tree will grow beautifully.  We think of the body like that, the migraine representing the branch and the roots representing the whole body.  One needs to treat both the root and branch.


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