The Annual Tao to Wellness Spring Cleanse and Detox Starts Soon!


The Annual Tao to Wellness Spring Cleanse and Detox Starts Soon!

Red Strawberries

Welcome back friends!

As the ground begins to thaw and we witness new life springing into action, our bodies note that its time relinquish the stagnancy of winter and finally step into the sun, fresh and anew.  Come join us for our annual Spring cleanse and detox program May 27th – June 9th.  If you’ve never done a detox before, this is the one to do because we support you every step of the way with 24/7 email support, 3 Group Zoom calls (one before, during and on our last day) and a What’s App community thread.  If you’ve detoxed with us before, you might recall we used Facebook as our main platform in the past, last year’s second cycle had so much fun on Zoom and What’s App, we decided to switch everything over!  Both are a great addition to an already great program!

Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming cleanse and detox:

  • What is it:

The Tao to Wellness Spring Cleanse and Detox program is a blended approach combining healthy eating and supplementation for detoxification.

The base is an elimination diet, in other words getting rid of all the food (aka garbage) that may or may not be an allergen causing inflammation and imbalance in your body, once we get the environment ‘quiet’, the body can do the work it needs to release toxins and reset to it’s natural, optimal state. Keep in mind, we eat plenty! We are merely staying clear of certain foods and people find that they discover new foods and recipes that they didn’t know they liked!
Supplementation is necessary to support you, we’ve found that by keeping your blood sugar and brain chemistry stable during the process, the elimination diet becomes much easier. And when the body is more balanced, expelling toxins can be plentiful, without supplementation it is very difficult for the body to “let go” when nutrients are lacking at the cellular level. So the supplements provide the nutritional compounds that support the body’s ability to neutralize and expel toxins easily.
  • Why:

For a wealth of reasons, but simply we get toxins from almost everything: the foods we eat, the things we drink, the environment we live in, medications, our beauty products, plastic food containers, everything, there’s even emotional toxicity!  Over time as the toxins build up, the liver becomes stressed and “full” causing symptoms such as, but not limited to, allergies, headaches, nausea, irritability, foggy thinking, muscle pain, skin issues, digestion issues, sleepless nights and fatigue. For women, toxic build up can contribute to many gynecological issues, including infertility. In addition, when toxins and free radicals weigh the body down over time, damage happens on a cellular level which means it becomes a gateway to disease and aging overall.
  • When:

May 27th – June 9th, 2022
Note: In Chinese medicine, Spring is a time of a renewal and growth. Spring is also the season of the Liver and Gallbladder which makes it an optimal time to do a cleanse.
  • Where:

Anywhere in the US! Our last cycle had people from New York, New Jersey, California and Arizona. Picking up supplements is easy and happen at Tao to Wellness in Berkeley.  If you are not local, we are happy to ship everything to you, but please note there will be an additional $25 shipping charge.
  1. A Nutritional Shake: an excellent source of very high-quality vitamins and minerals providing key cofactors necessary in the detoxification process.
  2. Liver Support: an adjunct to help the Liver gently open and purge successfully. Herbs such as Milk Thistle and Dandelion Root are commonly used to protect and cleanse the liver.
  3. Antioxidant Support: a heavy hitter in the process of detoxification.
  4. Vitamin B12 Intrinsic Factor: all the Bs are helpful, but especially this specific B12 which is integral in detoxification.
*This cleanse is not recommended for pregnant mothers, breastfeeding mothers, children under the age of 21 and people that are frail or weak due to a sickness or surgery. If you’re not sure if this is you, we are happy to guide you. Please get in touch! Email for guidance.
  • Pricing:

We have two options!
1. The Master 2 Week Cleanse!  Only local to Berkeley, CA
All supplementation, two acupuncture treatments during the first week and second week, 24/7 email support, access to our What’s App community group and three 1 hour Zoom calls are $350.00. To get the best results, this is our recommendation!
It is important to add acupuncture to this plan because:
  • Assists with the release of purging of deeper toxic build up.
  • Balances the emotions; especially irritability during the beginning potential withdrawal stages.
  • Harmonizes the digestion, especially useful with these major food changes.
  • Regulates brain chemistry, especially with those harder to avoid foods like coffee, alcohol and sugar.
2. The Basic 2 Week Cleanse
Maybe you’re not close enough to receive acupuncture or maybe your insurance is already covering your acupuncture treatments… then this is the choice for you!
All supplementation, 24/7 email support, access to our What’s App community group and three 1 hour Zoom calls is $200.00.
  • If you are not local to Berkeley, we do recommend seeing an acupuncturist near you and letting them know you are on a Spring Cleanse and Detox. They’ll know what to do!  Or please let us know where you are, we may have a referral!
  • Also, feel free to invite others!  Everything is more fun in community and this is no exception. People thrive better in a supportive environment, so invite your partner, your family and/or friends.

Feeling inspired?  Are you in?  YES!  Email to confirm ASAP!  The last day to confirm with us is Monday May 9th so we have ample time for shipping and pick up!  Still not sure and have questions?  Reach out!

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