Redefining Normal: How Acupuncture and Herbal Remedies Transform Perimenopausal Stress and Insomnia

Blog, Women's Health

By Marny Culpepper, L.Ac.

Perimenopause can feel daunting for many people, with women describing the experience as “feeling like a stranger in their body.” Stress, irregular cycles, insomnia, and exhaustion, while common, don’t have to be the new normal. Acupuncture and herbal remedies offer natural and practical solutions to not only ease the symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance but also transform the experience of feeling like a stranger in your body to you reunite with your inner vitality.

Acupuncture, a cornerstone of Traditional Chinese Medicine, alleviates stress and can promote hormonal harmony. At the same time, herbs such as Black Cohosh and Dong Quai may be selected within custom-blended Chinese herbal formulas to regulate cycles and enhance sleep quality. At Tao to Wellness, we embrace a uniquely integrative approach to support perimenopausal women. We treat the experience of exhaustion, caffeine dependency, cravings, weight loss resistance, and irregular sleep patterns with a root-cause approach. Mental and emotional rejuvenation for the perimenopausal body isn’t a pie-in-the-sky dream. Transforming well-being during this significant life transition is possible.

Acupuncture for Perimenopause

Stress Relief in Perimenopause

Stress creeps up in midlife, but what compounds the stress is that frequently, old tools that once worked well seem to stop working. Many women report feeling stuck during the season of perimenopause. Midlife can be complex, and many factors contribute to the experience of stuckness, including hormonal changes, metabolic issues, work/life stressors, toxin burden, chronic health issues, and social challenges. Some women try to cope while sitting awake at night doom-scrolling or eating fistfuls of buttery popcorn, watching whatever newly released murder mystery du jour. Take it from us: while it might relieve immediate pressure, doom scrolling, Netflix, and buttery popcorn are not sustainable options to overcome stress or perimenopause symptoms.

So what can be done? It’s fair to say that acupuncture offers a promising avenue for stress relief in perimenopause, acting as a therapy to promote nervous system restoration. Fine needles are inserted into specific points in the body, and acupuncture calms the nervous system by releasing endorphins. These natural chemicals reduce stress and foster a sense of well-being. Additionally, acupuncture helps regulate the body’s stress response by balancing cortisol levels, which can become elevated during the perimenopausal transition (doom scrolling and buttery popcorn, anyone?).

This balance alleviates stress and supports the downstream effect of a healthier hormonal makeup. Many women experiencing perimenopause report significant reductions in stress and anxiety after regular acupuncture sessions. Incorporating acupuncture into a wellness routine can enhance emotional stability and improve quality of life. Talk to an acupuncturist about what’s happening with your cycle, sleep, and stress. This holistic approach may help align your wellness efforts with the body’s natural rhythms, offering a gentle yet effective method for managing cortisol dysregulation and perimenopausal stress.

Insomnia Solutions

Anyone who struggles with insomnia understands how painful it can be to strike just the right balance of pre-bedtime activities to achieve restful sleep. Add anxiety and hot flashes to the mix, and deep restorative sleep may feel like a distant dream that is entirely out of reach. Studies suggest that acupuncture can increase melatonin production, a hormone that regulates sleep- wake cycles, promoting more profound and longer-lasting sleep. The calming effect of acupuncture sessions helps reduce nighttime wakes and improves overall sleep satisfaction.

Stress reduction techniques like regular acupuncture sessions play an important role in getting deeper, more restful sleep. Cortisol and melatonin have an opposite effect on each other and if your stress hormone, cortisol is elevated, melatonin, which promotes restful sleep, could become imbalanced.

The average person spends close to 7 hours staring at electronic devices each day. While this technology is a part of our daily reality, it can also negatively affect your health. Electronic devices like laptops, cell phones, and TVs emit blue light. We get blue light exposure naturally from sunlight. But blue light from screens confuses your circadian rhythm, your body’s sleep- wake cycle. Especially if you use these devices in the evenings once the sun has gone down. Blue light suppresses the release of the sleep hormone melatonin. It also increases cortisol levels, which is NOT ideal for a restful slumber. Limit or avoid electronics for 2-3 hours before bed

Other ways to keep blue light in check:

  • Add blue light screen filters like Flux to your phone or laptop
  • Wear blue light blocking glasses when working on your computer during the day
  • Choose red or amber nightlights, which don’t affect your circadian rhythm

When working with a Tao to Wellness provider, you’ll receive customized sleep support and strategies to improve your well-being. These may include foods that support better sleep, protein deficiency issues that may interfere with sleep and other overlooked daily habits that can help women regulate cortisol and feel rejuvenated and refreshed.

Herbal Remedies for Women

Black Cohosh for Menopause

Black Cohosh is a popular herbal remedy renowned for its benefits in managing menopause symptoms, particularly during perimenopause. This plant-based supplement has been traditionally used to alleviate hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings, which are common challenges during this stage. The active compounds in Black Cohosh mimic estrogen in the body, helping to balance hormonal fluctuations that cause symptoms. Black Cohosh is generally well-tolerated. It may be a good choice for those individuals who want to avoid possible side effects compared to hormone replacement therapy. For women seeking an herbal approach to menopause management, Black Cohosh may be appropriate for use.

Dong Quai Benefits and Uses

Dong Quai, or Dong Gui, often called the “female ginseng,” is a staple in Traditional Chinese Medicine, celebrated for its wide-ranging benefits for women’s health. During perimenopause, Dong Gui is particularly valued for its ability to help regulate menstrual cycles and alleviate symptoms associated with hormonal changes. It works by promoting blood circulation and supporting estrogen production, which can help mitigate issues like irregular periods and cramping. Additionally, Dong Quai is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can reduce discomfort and improve overall well-being. It’s also been used to combat fatigue and enhance energy levels, making it a versatile herbal ally during the perimenopausal transition. While generally considered safe, women need to consult with a healthcare provider before incorporating Dong Quai into their routine, especially if they are taking other medications.

Irregular Periods

Treating irregular cycles during perimenopause requires a holistic approach that addresses the underlying hormonal imbalances. Lifestyle adjustments, dietary changes, and natural therapies can effectively support cycle regulation. Regular exercise is essential as it helps maintain a healthy weight and encourages hormonal balance. Incorporating stress-reducing practices such as yoga and meditation can also play a crucial role in managing irregular cycles by lowering cortisol levels, which can interfere with menstruation. Dietary adjustments, like increasing omega-3 fatty acids and reducing caffeine, can promote regularity. Herbal remedies, such as Vitex (Chaste Tree Berry), are commonly used to support hormone production and stabilize menstrual cycles. A Tao to Wellness Traditional Chinese Medicine provider will work to create a personalized plan that ensures these strategies align with the individual’s constitution.

Overall Well-being

Rejuvenating overall well-being during perimenopause requires nurturing both the body and mind. In our experience at Tao to Wellness, an efficient, practical approach is to use comprehensive, holistic health practices steeped in the ancient wisdom of Chinese Medicine. As more people talk about their struggles during perimenopause, there’s more awareness and empowerment. This is a transitional phase that can last ten years. Let’s optimize fully by adopting a balanced lifestyle that includes regular physical activity, mindful nutrition, and emotional self-care. Prioritizing and receiving care from a holistic-minded provider can provide emotional support and enhance mood. By integrating these holistic strategies, women can experience a renewed sense of vitality and well-being during perimenopause.

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