The 2022 Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen List

Fresh produce like avocados and tomatos


100% organic eating can be tricky, sometimes it’s just way too expensive especially for a family of four or sometimes items are impossible to find!   I can’t you how many times it’s been difficult to find organic asparagus!

Luckily, since 2004, EWG’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce update their Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen list every single year.

What that means is a list of 12 Dirty items that are loaded with pesticides, for me that means look for organic or skip it.  And 15 Clean items, these are crops that have the lowest levels of pesticide residue and considered “relatively safe” in their non organic form.  The guide comes from test results of 45,000 samples of produce tested by the Department of Agriculture.

The list is released in April every year and changes a tiny bit, luckily asparagus is usually on the clean year after year.

Here is 2022 list:

Clean fifteen and Dirty dozen 2022

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