2 Easy Things you can do to Support Fertility

A pregnant woman meditating


Having fertility struggles or challenges? Here are two things that you can do that or absolutely free. At Tao to Wellness we’ve been specializing in fertility for 25 years. We’ve seen many women and couples come through these doors looking for help on their journey to parenthood!

Manage your stress

The fertility journey is a bit of a roller coaster, probably one of the most difficult things a woman will go through in her lifetime. This all has a negative impact on the body. Stress has a tendency to tighten the body and increase the pressure in the head, neck and upper back area, which results in less flow and energy in the lower parts of the body, for example the uterine environment.

Managing your stress can do wonders; take breaks during the workday, find some time to sit quietly and meditate, or go for a walk, when things feel tense.

Rest more

Making space to ‘nest’, making room in your life to be pregnant, almost acting as if you already are can feed your body’s resources and transition and prepare you for this new life. Invite more Yin into your life and things will flow and blossom in different ways then you expected.

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