Cool Down with Some Watermelon Ice!

A slice of watermelon with a heart in it


By Nikole Maxey


Hair gets lighter.

Skin gets darker.

Water gets warmer.

Drinks get cooler.

Music gets louder.

Nights get longer.

Life gets better.

 Fire on the Beach in Berkeley, California

Ok, so maybe the summer in the Bay Area is not always warmer (depending on where you live)… but at least the nights get longer, and you may find yourself vacationing in a place where your skin might even get a little darker. I love summer, I particularly love the longer nights. Suddenly if feels like we have an extra few hours to be outside or maybe go for a walk after dinner.

In Chinese medicine, summer is ruled by the element of fire, the organs associated with the element of fire are the Heart and Small Intestine. When the fire element is in balance, one may feel joy and happiness, but if the fire element is out of balance one might notice symptoms such depression, agitation, nervousness or insomnia. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs are a great way to combat these symptoms and keep your body harmonious throughout the summer. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) also recommends that people take full advantage of the long summer days by getting up earlier, going to bed later, and taking a break midday. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, and because summer is also associated with the small intestine; smaller, lighter meals are recommended. Summertime is more yang in nature, it is a great time to focus on joy, and reflect on how you can take action towards positive changes in your life.

Enjoy! I hope to see you this summer, make time to come Acupuncture even with your busy summer schedule!

Watermelon Ice Recipe

Xi Gua (Watermelon) is a traditional food used in China during the summer to help people stay cool. It is served at the end of every meal as a sweet and delicious treat that helps clear both toxic heat and dampness out of the body, while replenishing the body with fluids.

Take 3 slices of watermelon and remove seeds and rind.

Place in a blender along with 2 cups of ice.

Add 1 tbsp of cane sugar (or sweetener of your choice, agave works well) and 1/4 cup of water

Blend ingredients together. Garnish with mint leaves

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