Case Study: Teenage Hormones, Headaches and Acupuncture

Young teen at Tao to Wellness


Zoe is a sweet, sixteen-year-old girl.  She’s like most kids these days, overbooked and overworked.  She’s got tennis on Mondays, violin and soccer on Tuesdays, French lessons and volunteer work on Wednesdays and so on.

Zoe gets headaches at least 4 times a week.  They occur around 5pm and last until she goes to bed, luckily, she doesn’t wake up with them. They get much worse a few days before her period and on the day before her period she usually gets a migraine with nausea that leaves her not able to function.  Also, her PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) has become full of mood swings, she feels sad, depressed and angry almost a full week before her flow.

Zoe is very much like so many of our young patients at Tao to Wellness. Teens these days have a lot on their plate, they’re dealing with stress levels comparable to adults. In Chinese medicine, when too much stress impacts the body things become out of balance.  We get symptoms like headaches, insomnia, emotional mood swings, etc.  It happens to all of us.  The interesting thing about treating younger people is for some reason they respond faster to acupuncture, meaning they get faster results!  In most cases, the younger a patient is the faster they get better, because the body isn’t impacted with age and deterioration.  Our youngest patient to date was 3 days old…  the baby got his arm stuck while coming out of the vaginal canal during delivery and somehow it twisted resulting in what is called, an herb palsy.  One treatment fixed his ‘broken wing’.

Zoe came in to see us and felt immediate relief after her first acupuncture session.  Her headaches were about half of what they used to be. We continued to see her for acupuncture only (no herbs) weekly for about two months.  Once her body was able to hold her sessions longer, we saw her every two weeks and still do.  Zoe says, “I don’t think I would be able to function in life if I didn’t have acupuncture, it resets my whole body so I can accomplish the things I want to do and feel like a normal teen.”

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