Nurturing Your Body the Chinese Way During the Fall Season

Autumn leaves falling at Tao to Wellness in Berkeley


Traditional Chinese Medicine, believes that Autumn correlates with the Metal Element. This element is comprised of the organ systems the Lung and Large Intestine.

The best way to nurture our bodies in this season is to support the Lungs and Large Intestine the best way we can. The Lungs facilitate respiration, body fluid metabolism, blood circulation and immunity. The Large Intestine functions to eliminate unnecessary or toxic elements from our bodies.  The two together act like partners in crime, balancing and harmonizing each other.  They also have a special task; the Lungs breathe in new life and the Large Intestine lets go of old ways of being.  At Tao to Wellness, we believe that even though Spring is a time of new growth and moving forward, there is something about Autumn that also symbolizes growth in a different way.

If these organ systems are out of balance, symptoms of the season may appear and look like the following: an itchy throat, dry nose, frontal headaches, constipation or dry stools, chapped lips, rough and itchy skin and hair loss.

Foods are the easiest way to support and ensure that the body adjusts to the change from the warm Summer to the dry Fall. It’s ideal to eat select foods to promote the production of body fluids and their lubricating effects throughout the body.

It’s also important to eat what is in season. With that in mind, it makes sense to minimize pineapple and grapefruit (Summer foods), while increasing pumpkin and asparagus (Autumn foods), both are wonderful foods to increase lubricating effects, but some are better then others. Mother nature ultimately knows what our body needs and most of the time it is exactly what the Earth provides for us.

Here’s some foods to lean on in Autumn:

  • Increase brown rice as opposed to white for increased energy and stronger digestion.
  • To benefit the Lungs, lean on Navy beans, almonds and pears.
  • Mustard greens improve energy circulation and clear chest congestion.
  • Sour foods like pineapple, apple, grapefruit and lemon have astringent properties and are believed to prevent loss of body fluids. During this season, the body needs extra fluids to counteract the dry environment.
  • Other healthy and beneficial foods to support Lung and Large Intestine function are: mushrooms, nuts or seeds, oats, pear, lotus root, dates, pumpkin, honey, celery, apricot, banana, asparagus, and broccoli.

If you are feeling like you need additional help, we have some incredible Chinese herbal medicine remedies that can protect, lubricate and balance your system this Autumn and Winter, don’t hesitate to reach out, we’d love to help in any way we can.

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