Is it Safe to Fly when Pregnant?

Pregnant Tao to Wellness patient seated on a plane


Since we specialize in fertility acupuncture, we often get asked, “Is it safe to fly when pregnant?”

Some women are trying naturally and some are going the assisted reproductive technology route. No matter how they get pregnant, all women are cautious in the first trimester, naturally they don’t want to do anything that may cause harm or miscarriage.

Many Western MDs will give you the green light to fly; from the start of your pregnancy up until your third trimester.  And many Western MDs and airlines will frown upon third trimester flying, especially after 36 weeks, and we agree!

Pregnant woman

Where we differ is around first trimester flying, most miscarriages happen during this time, not to mention morning sickness can come and go. It takes time for the pregnancy to solidify in the body, everything just feels vulnerable in the early stages. Since these women have been trying so hard, some for years, we don’t want to see anything go wrong so we suggest not flying during their first trimester.

In addition, at high altitudes, the atmosphere has increased EMFs (Electro Magnetic Radiation) that can be harmful.  A prime example is when a woman is pregnant, x-rays of any type are forbidden because of the amount of radiation. Research shows that flying from San Francisco to New York City is the equivalent to receiving four chest x-rays. So it makes sense to avoid flying in order to avoid excessive radiation.

We’ve also been educated by our patients who happen to be pilots and flight attendants, they’ve shared with us that among airline employees, it is common knowledge that miscarriage rates are higher and they have avoided flying during their first trimester as a precaution.

So, with that in mind, why not delay your baby moon until your 2nd trimester!?  You’ll have more peace of mind.

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