4 Helpful Tips to a Happier and Healthier Life; Part 2

Woman meditating on the beach in Berkeley, California



Everyone says, “I know I should meditate, but it’s too hard, I can’t stop thinking and I don’t have time”… sound familiar?  Christina says, “Too often we think our minds are supposed to be clear during our meditation, but in reality, the practice is in watching the thoughts arise and then sending them away gently while focusing on our breath.”  Meditation can be thought of as a fancy word for ‘sitting quietly’, or just ‘being mindful’, which means you can do it anywhere.  Make it easy and not another thing on your to do list. Turn off your music, get off the phone and just be, whether in commuter traffic, on BART or on line at Trader Joe’s.  Just breathe and focus on the now.


Strive for eight hours of sleep every night.  This is the time it takes our bodies to regenerate our righteous Qi (energy).  Without at least close to eight hours, our bodies suffer a deficit which builds up over time leaving our bodies unarmed, weak and an open vessel for symptoms to appear.  Megan’s tip for making that transition to bed, “Try not to eat a large meal or watch TV before bed, it only adds more stimulation to an already stimulated brain.  In bed by 10pm, asleep by 11pm, is a good rule of thumb.”

Read 4 Helpful Tips to a Happier and Healthier Life; Part 1

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