Acupuncture for Fertility

Pregnant mother and daughter leaning on her belly in black and white


There’s a growing trend in Australia, couples are seeking traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) options to boost their chances of conceiving a child naturally.  What was once considered hippy dippy in the Outback is now being sought after.  Couples are seeking acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine whether they are trying to conceive naturally or as an adjunct to using IVF and IUI.

Here in the states, fertility and acupuncture have been a trend since the popular German research study in the year 2007.  Patients have had such great success when combining Eastern and Western medicine. At Tao to Wellness, we see patients at varying stages of the fertility journey, some are trying naturally and would like the balancing mechanism of acupuncture to increase their chances and some are into their third IVF and hope that acupuncture will bring results to that next transfer.

Ideally, we like to work with couples for at least 3 months prior to their IVF transfer or IUI procedure, Chinese medicine works on the root of the issue and although we can do offer stand alone support before and after the day of their transfer or IUI, we prefer to create deeper healing over a period of time. Whereas, Western medicine can quickly effect egg quantity, we effect egg quality over time.

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